
Disclosure Requirements: Incorporating the CBD Principles
in the TRIPS Agreement On the Road to Hong Kong

Dialogue Co-organised by ICTSD, CIEL, IDDRI, IUCN and QUNO.
3-6pm in Room A at the WTO Public Symposium,
Geneva, Switzerland, 21 April 2005

Description | Programme | Participants | Documentation


Meeting Report

Policy Notes

Switzerland's Proposals Regarding The Declaration Of The Source Of Genetic Resources And Traditional Knowledge In Patent Applications And Switzerland's Views On The Declaration Of Evidence Of Prior Informed Consent And Benefit Sharing In Patent Applications, by Felix Addor

Disclosure Of Origin: Time For A Reality Check?, by Graham Dutfield

Feasibility Of National Disclosure Of Origin Requirements, by Michael A. Gollin

User Measures As A Means Of Resolving Potential Conflicts Between WTO And CBD, by Selim Louafi & Brendan Tobin

Prior Informed Consent And Access To Genetic Resources, by Anne Perrault and Maria Julia Oliva

Addressing The Disclosure Requirement At The International Level - The Role of the TRIPS Agreement by Begoña Aguirre Venero

Powerpoint Presentations

Addressing the Disclosure Requirement at the International Level – The Role of the TRIPS Agreement?, Felix Addor

Feasibility Of National Disclosure Of Origin Requirements, by Michael A. Gollin

How to operationalize the disclosure requirement at the national level in a manner supportive to the TRIPS Agreement and the CBD?, by N.S. Gopalakrishnan



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