
Biodiversity and Environment 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1994-1999


MS Sunetha/Blakrishna Pisupati, UNU-IAS Report, "Benefit Sharing in ABS: Options and Elaborations, UNEP 2009



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Muriel Lightbourne & Graham Dutfield, "Literature Review & Commentary on Legal Regimes and Models for Protecting Plant Varieties". Produced for the European Commission's 6th Framework Programme for Research as part of the project "Impacts of the IPR Rules on Sustainable Development (IPDEV)",

Graham Dutfield, Lois Muraguri & Florian Leverve, "Exploring the Flexibilities of TRIPS to Promote Biotechnology Capacity Building & Appropriate Technology Transfer". Produced for the European Commission's 6th Framework Programme as part of the project "Impacts of the IPR Rules on Sustainable Development (IPDEV)", 2006.

A Simple Guide to Intellectual Property Rights, Biodiversity and Traditional Knowledge
Author: Tejaswini Apte

FTA paves way for Biopiracy
Source:Latin America Press

Intellectual Property Rights-Designing Regimes to Support Plant Breeding in Developing Countries, Agriculture and Rural Development Department
World Bank Report

Disclosure of Origin in IPR Applications: Options and Perspectives of Users and Providers of Genetic Resources, 2006
Chatham House.

Diseño de Mecanismos Costo-Efectivos para Requerir Consentimiento Informado Previo y Efectuarla Revelación de Origen para el Acceso y Utilización de Los Recursos Genéticos y Conocimiento Tradicional
By Alvaro Zerda Sarmiento.

WIPO-UNEP Study on the Role of Intellectual Property Rights in the Sharing of Benefits Arising from the Use of Biological Resources and Associated Traditional Knowledge, 2006.
By Anil K. Gupta, World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) and UN Environment Programme (UNEP), 2006.

The Relationship Between the Trips Agreement and the Convention on Biological Diversity, February 2006
By the WTO Secretariat (IP/C/W/368/Rev.1)

Draft CBD text of international regime on access and benefit sharing (3 February 2006)

Report on 36 cases show biopiracy growing in Africa, TWN Info Service on WTO and Trade Issues (Mar06/12)

Out Of Africa: Mysteries Of Access And Benefit Sharing, January 2006
Jay McGown, Edmonds Institute and African Centre for Biosafety

Herramientas de propiedad intelectual y opciones alternativas para la innovación en las universidades y centros de investigación pública. Jorge Cabrera Medaglia


Disclosure Requirements: Ensuring mutual supportiveness between the WTO TRIPS Agreement and the CBD
, November 2005

Intellectual Property Rights and Biological Resources: An Overview of Key Issues and Current Debates, December 2005
Author: Carolina Lasen Diaz, Wuppertal Institute

The Relationship Between the TRIPS Agreement and the CBD: the Case for Disclosure Requirements, 2005
South Centre and CIEL, Geneva, September - October.

Building on Gender, Agrobiodiversity and Local Knowledge. 2005
Author: Food and Agriculture Organisation, Rome

Report on Trade, Environment and Intellectual Property Rights
. June 2005
Author: Richard Tarasofsky, Concerted Action on Trade and Environment

Thinking Aloud on Disclosure of Origin
. October 2005
Author: Graham Dutfield, Quaker United Nations Office Occasional Paper, Geneva.

Disclosure of Origin and Access and Benefit Sharing: The Special Case of Seeds for Food and Agriculture
. October 2005
Author: Walter Smolders, Quaker United Nations Office Occasional Paper, Geneva.

Bioprospecting Of Genetic Resources In The Deep Seabed: Scientific, Legal And Policy Aspects
. June 2005
Salvatore Arico and Charlotte Salpin, United Nations University).

Regulating Bioprospecting: Institutions For Drug Research, Access And Benefit-Sharing. May 2005.
Padmashree Gehl Sampath

Switzerland's Proposals Regarding The Declaration Of The Source Of Genetic Resources And Traditional Knowledge In Patent Applications And Switzerland's Views On The Declaration Of Evidence Of Prior Informed Consent And Benefit Sharing In Patent Applications, April 2005.
Felix Addor

Impacts of Strengthened intellectual Property Rights Regimes on the Plant Breeding Industry in Developing Countries: A synthesis of five case studies, February 2005.
Author: N.P. Louwaars et al. / Centre for Genetic Resources, The Netherlands (CGN)

Analyse critique des principales mesures envisagees pour encadrer l'utilisation des ressources genetiques dans le cadre d'un futur regume international sur l'acces et le partage des avantages
, 2004.
Thomas Leclerc, Unisféra International Centre, September 2004.

Access to Genetic Resources, Intellectual Property Rights and Biodiversity: Processes and Synergies, 2004.
Authors: Manuel Ruiz, IUCN, Paper prepared for the Seventh Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity, March 2004.

Access to Genetic Resources and the Sharing of Benefits: Private Rights or Shared Use for Biodiversity Conservation? 2004.
Authors: Corinna Heineke, Franziska Wolff, Environmental Law International Network Review, February 2004.

African Perspectives on Genetic Resources: A Handbook on Laws, Policies, and Institutions, 2004.
Authors: edited by Kent Nnadozie, Robert Lettington, Carl Bruch, Susan Bass, and Sarah Kingb / jointly published by the African Union Scientific, Technical and Research Commission (STRC), the Environmental Law Institute (ELI), and the Southern Environmental & Agricultural Policy Research Institute (SEAPRI).

An Assessment of the Advantages and Disadvantages of an International Regime for Access to Genetic Resources and Benefit Sharing, 2004.
Author: Manuel Ruiz, Policy and Envrionmental Law Series, Peruvian Society for Environmental Law, N°16, February 2004.

Breakthrough for "the South"?: An Analysis of the Recognition of Farmers' Rights in the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
, 2004.
Author: Svanhild-Isabelle Batta Bjørnstad, Fridtjof Nansen Institute (FNI).

From Global Enclosure to Self Enclosure: Ten Years After - A Critique of the CBD and the 'Bonn Guidelines' on Access and Benefit Sharing, 2004.
Author: ETC Group / Communique, ETC, Winnipeg, January/February 2004.

Intellectual Property Rights and Biodiversity Management: The Case of India 2004.
Authors: Philippe Cullet and Jawahar Raja, Global Environmental Politics, April 2004

Legal Factors Driving Agrobiodiversity Loss, 2004.
Franziska Wolff, Environmental Law International Network Review, January 2004.

Protection of Plant-Related Innovations: Evolution and Current Discussion, and Intellectual Property Rights, Patents, Plant Variety Protection and Contracts: A perspective from the Private Sector,
IP Strategy Today, bioDevelopments, Ithaca, No 9-2004

Stolen Seeds: The Privatisation of Canada's Agricultural Biodiversity, 2004.
Author: Devlin Kuyek / The Ram’s Horn.

The Role of Intellectual Property Rights in the Sharing of Benefits Arising from the Use of Biological Resources and Traditional Knowledge, 2004.
Author: Professor Anil K Gupta / Study jointly commissioned by WIPO and UNEP, Pre-publication version for the Seventh Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity Kuala Lumpur, February 9 to 20, 2004

Traditional Knowledge and Cultural Expressions: The Role of Intellectual Property Rights in the Sharing of Benefits Arising from the Use
of Biological Resources and Associated Traditional Knowledge
, 2004.
Author: Anil K Gupta / a study jointly commissioned by the World Intellectual Property Organization and the United Nations Environment Programme, advance draft, February 2004.

The International Regime for Bioprospecting: Existing Policies and Emerging Issues for Antarctica, 2003
Author: UNU-IAS 2003

Integrating African Perspectives and Priorities into Genetic Resource Regulations: A Resource Guide for Policymakers by Kent Nnadozie, Policy & Global Change Series, Trade and Biodiversity, March 2004.
SEAPRI, Environmental Law Institute, ICTSD and IUCN


Access and Benefit-Sharing (ABS): An Instrument for Poverty Alleviation, Proposals for an International ABS Regime
, 2003.
Authors: Gudrun Henne, Klaus Liebig, Andreas Drews, Thomas Plän / German Development Institute (GDI), Bonn.

Biodiversity Access and Benefit-Sharing Policies for Protected Areas: An Introduction, 2003.
AuthorS: Sarah Laird et al / report prepared for United Nations University Institute for Advanced Studies, Tokyo.

Biodiversity and the Millenium Development Goals, 2003.
Author: Pisupati Balakrishna, Emilie Warner / IUCN Regional Biodiversity Programme, Asia.

Biopiracy in the Amazon, 2003.
Author: Amazon Link.

Bioprospecting of Biotechnological Resources in Island countries: Lessons from the Costa Rican Experience, 2003.
Authors: Ana Sittenfeld, Jorge Cabrera and Marielos Mora / Insula Internacional Journal of Island Affairs, 2003, February, Year 12. No 1. 21/26.

Corporate Hijack of Biodiversity: How WTO-TRIPS Rules Promote Corporate Hijack of People's Biodiversity and Knowledge, 2003.
Vandana Shiva, Radha Holla Bhar, Afsar H. Jafri / Navdanya.

Fonction des Droits de Propriété Intellectuelle dans les Arrangements Relatifs à l'Accès et au Partage des Avantages, y Compris les Expériences Nationales et Régionales, 2003.
Groupe de Travail Spécial à Composition Non Limitée sur l'Accès et le Partage des Avantages, Deuxième Réunion, Montréal, 1-5 décembre 2003.

GM crops – going against the grain, summary, 2003.
Liz Orton / ActionAid.

Intergovernmental Committee on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore, Fifth Session, July 7-15 2003, 2003.
WIPO Secretariat.

Intellectual Property Rights and Biodiversity: Procesess and Synergies, 2003.
Manuel Ruiz / Background paper for Workshop on TRIPs and CBD, Global Biodiversity Forum, Cancun, Mexico, September 5-7, 2003.

International Regime on Access and Benefit-Sharing: Proposals for an international regime on access and benefit-sharing, 2003. Español; Français
Author: the CBD Executive Secretary / note for the open-ended inter-sessional meeting on the Multi-Year Programme of Work of the Conference of the Parties up to 2010, to be held on 17-20 March 2003 in Montreal, Canada. .

La Funcion de los Derechos de Propiedad Intelectual en los Arreglos Sobre Acceso y la Participacion en los Beneficios, Incluso Experiencias Nacionales y Regionales, 2003.
Grupo de Trabajo Especial de Composicion Abierta Sobre Acceso y Participacion en los Beneficios, Segunda Reunion, Montreal, 1-5 de diciembre de 2003.

Les accords de bioprospection favorisent-ils la conservation des ressources génétiques?, 2003.
Jean-Frédéric Morin / Centre international Unisfera, Publié dans Revue de droit de l’Université de Sherbrooke, vol 34, no 1, novembre 2003, p. 307-343.

Measures, Including Consideration of their Feasibility, Practicality and Costs, to Support Compliance With Prior Informed Consent of the Contracting Party Providing Genetic Resources and Mutually Agreed Terms on Which Access was Granted in Contracting Parties With Users of Such Resources Under Their Jurisdiction: Disclosure of origin and prior informed consent for applications of intellectual property
rights based on genetic resources: a technical study of implementation issues
, 2003.
CBD Executive Secretary / Ad Hoc Open-Ended Working Group on Access and Benefit-Sharing, Second meeting, Montreal, 1-5 December 2003.

Patenting of Microorganisms, 2003.
Patent Facilitating Centre, New Delhi, India.

Taking forward the Review of Article 27.3 b) of the TRIPS Agreement, 2003.
Africa Group.

Technical Study on Disclosure Requirements Related to Genetic Resources and Traditional Knowledge, Submission by WIPO, Español, Français, 2003.
CBD Executive Secretariat / Ad Hoc Open-Ended Working Group on Access and Benefit-Sharing, Second Meeting, 1-5 December 2003.

The Cultural Diversity in Biodiversity: The Protection of Indigenous Cultural and Intellectual Resources in a Global Context, 2003.
Author: Johanna Gibson / University of Nottingham.

The Role of Intellectual Property Rights in Access and Benefit-Sharing Arrangements, Including National and Regional Experiences, Arabic, Russian, Chinese, 2003.
CBD Secretariat / AD HOC Open-Ended Working Group on Access and Benefit-Sharing, Second Meeting, Montréal, 1-5 December 2003.

The TRIPS Agreement: Patenting of Genetic Heritage and Food Security, 2003.
Service Centre for Development Cooperation, Helsinki.

Une rivalité Nord/Sud sur le matériel génétique : Le chapitre de la ZLÉA sur la propriété intellectuelle, 2003.
Jean-Frédéric Morin / Observatoire des Amériques, Université du Québec à Montréal.

User Measures: Options for Developing Measures in User Countries to implement the access and Benefit-Sharing Provisions of the Convention on Biological Diversity, 2003.

Voices from the South The Third World Debunks Corporate Myths on Genetically Engineered Crops, 2003.
Edited by Ellen Hickey and Anuradha Mittal /A joint project of Food First/Institute for Food and Development Policy and
Pesticide Action Network North America.

Access to Genetic Resources, Gene-based Inventions and Agriculture
, 2002.
Author: Dwijen Rangnekar / Commission on Intellectual Property Rights, Study Paper 3a.

Atelier national: Accès aux ressources génétiques et partage équitable des avantages (Access and Benefit Sharing, ABS), Défis pour la Suisse, 2002.
Office fédéral de l'environnement, des forêts et du paysage, Office fédéral de l'agriculture / Berne, Auditoire Ascom, 7 novembre 2002.

Biodiversité: Public ou Privé?, 2002.
Solagral / Dossier pédagogique: Biodiversité, Savoirs protégés, savoirs partagés, 6 Fiches pour comprendre, anticiper, débattre, Fiche 1.

Biodiversité: Public ou Privé? Quatre agendas de protection des ressources et des innovations, 2002.
Solagral / Dossier pédagogique: Biodiversité, Savoirs protégés, savoirs partagés, 6 Fiches pour comprendre, anticiper, débattre, Fiche 1a.

Biodiversity online, 2002.
Authors: A. Seiler, G. Dutfield, J.C. Medaglia, A. Lorch, N. Louwaars, W. Brandenburg, L. Gilissen, G. Kleter, J. Wagenaar, C.P. Medina, D. Eaton, F. Van Tongeren, B. Visser, I. Van der Meer, G. Muttitt and The Action Group on Erosion, Technology and Concentration / Biotechnology and Development Monitor, N°49.

Biodiversity: opportunities and dilemas [access to genetic resources], 2002.
Author: Senator Marina Silva.

Biodiversity rights legislation, 2002.
Author: Genetic Resources Action International (GRAIN).

Comité Intergubernamental sobre Propiedad Intelectual y Recursos Genéticos, Conocimientos Tradicionales y Folclore, 2002.
Secretaría de la OMPI / Cuarta sesión, 9 a 17 de diciembre de 2002.

Convention on Plant Genetic Resources Adopted, 2002.
Author: A. Ghai / BRIDGES, ICTSD, January 2002, 6(1).

Declaracin del Cusco sobre Acceso a Recursos Gen ticos, Conocimiento Tradicional y Derechos de Propiedad Intelectual de los Pa ses Megadiversos Afines, 2002.
Author: Comunidad Andina, Secretaria General.

Equitably sharing benefits from the utilization of natural genetic resources: The Brazilian Interpretation of the Convention on Biological Diversity, 2002.
Authors: S. Pena-Neira, C. Dieperink, H. Addink / Electronic Journal of Comparative Law, Vol.6, N°3.

Governing Biodiversity: Access to Genetic Resources and Approaches to Obtaining Benefits from their Use, The Case of the Philippines, 2002.
Authors: K. Liebig, D. Alker, Karim ould Chih, D. Horn, H. Illi, J. Wolf / German Development Institute (GDI) Publications.

Grupo de Accin de Pa ses Megadiversos Afines Acceso a los Recursos Gen ticos, Conocimiento Tradicional y Derechos de Propiedad Intelectual, 2002.
Author: Comunidad Andina, Secretaria General.

Inquiétudes des pays africains sur le brevetage des ressources biologiques, 2002.
Brahima Ouedraogo / Inter Press Service (IPS), Agence de Presse du Tiers Monde.

Intellectual Property, Biodiversity and Sustainable Development: Resolving the Difficult Issues, 2002.
M. Khor / Zed Books, Third World Network.

Intellectual Property, Biodiversity and the Rights of the Poor, 2002.
Authors: Gauri Sreenivasan with Jean Christie / Global Trade/Global Poverty, NGO Perspectives on Key Challenges for Canada, Canadian Council for International Co-operation, Trade and Poverty Series, Paper N°3.

Intellectual Property, Genetic Resources and Traditional Knowledge Protection: Thinking Globally, Acting Locally, 2002.
Authors: Charles R. McManis, Thomas and Karole Green / Faculty Working Papers Series, Washington University in St Louis, School of Law, N°02-10-03.

Intellectual Property Rights, Food and Biodiversity, 2002.
Author: G. Tansey / Food for Thought, Harvard International Review, Spring 2002.

Issues linked to Convention on Biological Diversity in the WTO negotiations implementing Doha mandates, 2002.
Author: D. Vivas Eugui / Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL)-South Centre project.

Issues related to Access to Human Genetic Resources, 2002.
Author: "Stakeholder Dialogue Process on the Issues of Intellectual Property Rights in Biotechnology" organised by WISSENSCHAFTSZENTRUM BERLIN FÜR SOZIALFORSCHUNG and World Business Council for Sustainable Development.

La propriété intellectuelle, la biodiversité, et les droits des pauvres, 2002.
Authors: Gauri Sreenivasan en collaboration avec Jean Christien / Mondialisation du commerce – Mondialisation de la pauvreté, Les enjeux pour le Canada : perspectives des ONG, Conseil canadien pour la coopération internationale, Série sur le commerce et la pauvreté, Article 3.

Les brevets et la diversité biologique africaine, 2002.
GRAIN / Semences de la biodiversité, N° 10.

Marges de manoeuvre?, 2002.
Solagral / Dossier pédagogique: Biodiversité, Savoirs protégés, savoirs partagés, 6 Fiches pour comprendre, anticiper, débattre, Fiche 6.

Marges de manoeuvre? Principaux brevets sur la biodiversité, 2002.
Solagral / Dossier pédagogique: Biodiversité, Savoirs protégés, savoirs partagés, 6 Fiches pour comprendre, anticiper, débattre, Fiche 6a.

Marges de manoeuvre? Principaux accords d'exploitation de la biodiversité, 2002.
Solagral / Dossier pédagogique: Biodiversité, Savoirs protégés, savoirs partagés, 6 Fiches pour comprendre, anticiper, débattre, Fiche 6b.

Patenting biodiversity?: rejecting WTO/TRIPS in southern Africa, 2002.
Andrew T. Mushita and Carol B. Thompson / Global Environmental Politics, Vol. 2, N°1, 65-82.

Promoting participation for negotiating food and biodiversity in the post-Doha TRIPS work programme, 2002.
Quaker Office at the United Nations (QUNO), Geneva / Report on a seminar, Jongny-sur-Vevey, Switzerland, 17 and 18 May 2002.

Recursos genéticos y derechos de propiedad intelectual, 2002.
Author: Preparado por el Gobierno de la República Federativa del Brasil para la Reunión de Ministros de los Países Megadiversos, Cancún, México - Febrero 16-18, 2002.

Report: Intergovermental Committee on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore, 2002. Document in Word
Author: Report adopted by the Committee on the 17 December, Fouth Session, Geneva, 9-17 December 2002.

Report: Intergovermental Committee on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore, 2002. Document in Word
Author: Report adopted by the Committee on the 21 June, Third Session, Geneva, 13-21 June 2002.

Sharing the benefits from genetic resource use, 2002.
Authors: European Commission, Department for International Development (DFID), IUCN / Biodiversity in Development, Biodiversity Brief, N°3.

Study on the Inter-Relations between Intellectual Property Rights Regimes and the Conservation of Genetic Resources (Prepared for the European Commission Directorate-General, Environment, Final Report), 2002.
Authors: Padmashree Gehl Sampath, Richard G. Tarasofsky / Ecologic - Institute for International and European Environmental Policy .

Sustaining agricultural biodiversity and the integrity and free flow of genetic resources for food for agriculture, 2002.
Author: ETC Group, ITDG, GRAIN.

The Convention on Biological Diversity: The emergence of IPRs in the field of access to genetic resources and benefit sharing, 2002.
Author: Kent C. Nnadozie.

Trade, Intellectual Property and Biogenetic Resources: A Guide to the International Regulatory Landscape, 2002
Author: Graham Dutfield / ICTSD

Traditional knowledge of biodiversity in Asia-Pacific: problems of piracy & protection, 2002.
Authors: Genetic Resources Action International (GRAIN), Kalpavriksh.

Vivant: construction de droits, 2002.
Author: Solagral / Dossier pédagogique: Biodiversité, Savoirs protégés, savoirs partagés, 6 Fiches pour comprendre, anticiper, débattre, Fiche 2.

Vivant: construction de droits. Positions des acteurs, 2002.
Author: Solagral / Dossier pédagogique: Biodiversité, Savoirs protégés, savoirs partagés, 6 Fiches pour comprendre, anticiper, débattre, Fiche 2a.

Vivant: construction de droits. Le vivant: des innovations comme les autres?, 2002.
Author: Solagral / Dossier pédagogique: Biodiversité, Savoirs protégés, savoirs partagés, 6 Fiches pour comprendre, anticiper, débattre, Fiche 2b.

Acceso a Recursos Genéticos, 2001.
Author: Consorcio GTZ/FUNDECO/IE / Comunidad Andina de Naciones, Estrategia Regional de Biodiversidad.

Acceso a Recursos Gen ticos, 2001.
Author: Jorge Mariaca - Bolivia / Cuarto Taller "Acceso a Recursos Genéticos, Conocimientos y Prácticas Tradicionales y Distribución de Beneficios".

Acceso a Recursos Genéticos, Conocimientos Tradicionales y Distribucion de Beneficios, 2001.
Author: Consorcio GTZ/FUNDECO/IE / IV Taller Regional, Pampatar, Venezuela, 17 al 19 de julio de 2001, Estrategia Regional de Biodiversidad para los Paises del Tropico Andino, Comunidad Andina, Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo.

Agentes de los DPI Intentan Descarrilar el Proceso de la OUA, 2001.
Author: Acción Internacional por los Recursos Genéticos (GRAIN).

Análisis de la relación del ADPIC y la implementación nacional de la CBD: El caso del sistema de acceso y el desvelo del origen de los recursos genéticos en Venezuela, 2001.
Author: D. Vivas Eugui / Estudio preparado para Diplomacia Comercial/UNCTAD.

A TRIPS agenda for development: Meeting food, health and biodiversity needs, 2001.
Jonathan Hepburn / Report on the Conference organised by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Quaker United Nations Office, Geneva, 12-13 October 2001, The Hague.

Biodiversité: Opportunité et Dilemme, 2001.
Senateur Marina Silva, Congrès National du Brésil.

Biodiversity and Intellectual Property Rights: Reviewing Intellectual Property Rights in Light of the Convention on Biological Biodiversity, 2001.
C. Monagle / Joint Discussion Paper, WWF, CIEL International.

Biopirateria y Propiedad Intelectual como Piedra Angular del Dominio Tecnologico por y para el Capital, 2001.
Gian Carlo Delgado Ramos / La Maza: revista depolítica y cultura, Argentina, N°1, pp.78-83.

CARICOM Interests in Relation to Biodiversity and Intellectual Property Rights in the Context of FTAA Negotiations, 2001.
Paolo Bifani / CRNM/IDB Technical Cooperation Project.

Comunidad Andina de Naciones: Estrategia Regional de Biodiversidad. Distribucion de Beneficios, 2001.
Consorcio GTZ/FUNDECO/IE / Documento preliminar para revisión por países.

Development Co-operation, TRIPS, Indigenous Knowledge and Genetic Resources, 2001.
Jonathan Hepburn / Report based on a seminar held by the Quaker United Nations Office.

Distribucion de Beneficios , 2001.
Consorcio GTZ/FUNDECO/IE / IV Taller Regional, Pampatar, Venezuela, 17 al 19 de julio de 2001, Estrategia Regional de Biodiversidad para los Paises del Tropico Andino, Comunidad Andina, Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo.

Ethique, propriété intellectuelle et génomique: la propriété intellectuelle dans le domaine du génome humain, 2001
UNESCO / Colloque International, Paris, 30 janvier - 1 février 2001.

Guiding principles for biodiversity in development: lessons from field projects, 2001.
Author: IUCN, DFID, European Union / World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA).

Incentive measures for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, 2001.
Author: IUCN, DFID, European Union / World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA).

India’s Plant Variety Protection and Farmers’ Rights Act, 2001.
Author: S. Sahai / BRIDGES, ICTSD, October 2001, 5(8).

Intellectual property rights, biotechnology and biological diversity, 2001.
Authors: D. Leskien, M. Flitner.

IPR Agents Try To Derail OAU Process, 2001.
Author: Genetic Resources Action International (GRAIN).

La Convention sur la Diversité Biologique et les Accords de Droit de Propriété Intellectuelle: Enjeux et Perspectives, 2001.
Hélène Ilbert / Etude pour le Ministère de l'Aménagement et du Territoire, SOLAGRAL.

Las Negociaciones sobre Derechos de Propiedad Intelectual, el Comercio y el Ambiente: Notas para una Agenda Positiva, 2001, version corta.
Authors: Jorge Cabrera Medaglia, José Pablo Sánchez Hernández / Centro Internacional de Politica Economica para el Desarrollo Sostenible.

Manifiesto de las Organizaciones Ind genas participantes al IV Taller Regional de la Comunidad Andina de Naciones (CAN), sobre: Acceso a Recursos Gen ticos, Conocimientos Tradicionales y Distribucin de Beneficios, Isla Margarita  Venezuela 17 al 19 de julio de 2001

Proteccion, Recuperacion, y Difusion de Conocimientos y Practicas Tradicionales, 2001.
Consorcio GTZ/FUNDECO/IE / IV Taller Regional, Pampatar, Venezuela, 17 al 19 de julio de 2001, Estrategia Regional de Biodiversidad para los Paises del Tropico Andino, Comunidad Andina, Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo.

Recopilación de documentos relevantes para el Taller “Acceso a recursos genéticos, conocimientos y prácticas tradicionales y distribución de beneficios (CAN-BID)”, Conferencia de Naciones Unidas sobre Comercio y Desarrollo (UNCTAD), Caracas, Venezuela, 17 a 19 de Julio del 2001.
Iniciativa BIOTRADE, Programa Conjunto para los Países Andinos CAN-CAF-UNCTAD

Relatoria Final del IV Taller "Acceso a Recursos Gen ticos, Conocimientos y Prcticas Tradicionales y Distribucin de Beneficios", Isla Margarita, Venezuela, 17 al 19 de Julio 2001.
Relatora: Susana Quintero.

Report: Intergovermental Committee on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore, 2001. Document in Word Document in PDF
Author: Report adopted by the Committee on the 14 December, Second Session, Geneva, 10-14 December 2001.

Report: Intergovermental Committee on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore, 2001. Document in Word
Author: Report adopted by the Committee on the 23 May, First Session, Geneva, 30 April to 3 May 2001.

Rethinking international intellectual property, 2001.
Authors: Kraig M. Hill, Toshiko Takenaka, Kevin Takeuchi (ed.) / Center for Advanced Research and Study on Intellectual Property (CASRIP) Symposium Publication Series, N°. 6.

The International Undertaking on Plant Genetic Resources in the Context of TRIPS and the CBD, 2001.
Robert J.L. Lettington / BRIDGES, ICTSD, July-August 2001, 5(6).

Todos los caminos conducen a la propiedad intelectual: Una mirada a los mecanismos que aumentan el control monopólico sobre la biodiversidad en América Latina, 2001.
Author: Margarita Flórez con la contribución de Isaac Rojas y Fundación Gaia y Acción Internacional por los Recursos Genéticos (GRAIN) / Conflicto entre Comercio Global y Biodiversidad, Gaia-GRAIN Publications, N°6.

Towards a Reconciliation between the Convention on Biological Diversity and TRIPS Agreement: An Interface among Intellectual Property Rights on Biotechnology, Traditional Knowledge and Benefit Sharing, 2001.
Author: Gionathan Curci Staffler / Université de Genève, Institut Universitaire de Hautes Etudes Internationales.

TRIPS and the CBD: What Language for the Ministerial Declaration?, 2001.
F. Cannabrava / BRIDGES, ICTSD, October 2001, 5(8).

Una mirada a los mecanismos que aumentan el control monopólico sobre la biodiversidad en América Latina, 2001.
Author: Flórez Margarita con la contribución de Isaac Rojas y Gaia/GRAIN.

Access to genetic resources and intellectual property rights: Regulatory and policy framework in Nigeria, 2000.
Kent Nnadozie / Genetic Engineering & Intellectual Property Rights Resource Center (IATP).

Biodiversidad en venta: Desenmascarando la quimera de la participación de beneficios, 2000.
Authors: GAIA Foundation, Genetic Resources Action International (GRAIN) / Conflicto entre Comercio y Biodiversidad, Issue No. 4, Abril 2000.

Biodiversité dans le Développement, 2000.
Authors: Commission Européenne, DFID, IUCN / Biodiversité en Bref 13.

Biodiversity for sale: dismantling the hype about benefit sharing, 2000.
Authors: GAIA Foundation, Genetic Resources Action International (GRAIN) / Global Trade and Biodiversity in Conflict, Issue No. 4, April 2000.

Brevetabilité des Plantes Transgéniques, 2000.
Karine Userovici sous la direction de M. Marc Majerowicz.

De patentes y piratas: El ABC del Patentamiento de la Vida, 2000.
Genetic Resources Action International (GRAIN).

Des Brevets et des Pirates: Brevets sur la vie, le dernier assaut sur les biens communs, 2000.
Genetic Resources Action International (GRAIN).

El ABC del Patentamiento de la Vida, 2000.
Genetic Resources Action International (GRAIN).

El Cártel de la Biodiversidad: Transformación de Conocimientos Tradicionales en Secretos Comerciales, 2000.
Authors: Joseph Henry Vogel (editor), Rocío Alarcon y Malki Saenz Garcia, Manolo Morales, Robert Lindstrom.

In between biodiversity conservation and Intellectual Property Rights: an analysis of the economic motives of TRIPS and the implementation of sui generis systems, 2000.
A. Le Roy.

Intellectual property rights and biodiversity in Brazil: conservation, sustainable use and protection of the indigenous rights, 2000.
Francisco Eugenio Machado Arcanjo / Institute of Brazilian Business and Public Management Issues - IBI.

IPRs and Genetic Resources, not a North-South Issue!, 2000.
Chakravarthi Raghavan / South-North Development Monitor (SUNS).

It's now or never: Grappling with TRIPS in a new era of genetic resources utilization, 2000.
Elpidio V. Peria / African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS).

¿Llamado al diálogo o llamado a emergencia?, 2000.
Fundación Internacional para el Progreso Rural (RAFI) / Congreso Internacional de Etnobiología en Georgia: la Declaración de Atenas murió antes de nacer. 10 puntos sobre la piratería para un discurso más constructivo.

Of Green Tulips and Legal Kudzu: Repackaging Rights in Subpatentable Innovation, 2000.
J. H. Reichman / Vanderbilt Law Review, Vol. 53, N°6.

Of Patents and Pirates, 2000.
Genetic Resources Action International (GRAIN).

"Pandora's Box": TRIPS Article 27.3 (b) and the CBD, 2000.
Authors: Robert J.L. Lettington, M. Manek.

Plan Colombia: Bioprospeccion y Guerra Biologica, 2000.
Author: Darío González Posso / Documento de trabajo, Proyecto “Formas alternativas, integrales y productivas de protección de la biodiversidad en las zonas afectadas por cultivos de coca y su erradicación” (Ministerio del Medio Ambiente, Instituto Humboldt y SINCHI, Bogotá, Colombia.

Plant Breeding, Biodiversity Loss and Intellectual Property Rights, 2000.
D. Rangnekar / Economics Discussion Paper 00/5, Kingston University, Faculty of Human Sciences, UK.

Privatisation des moyens de survie : La commercialisation de la biodiversité de l’Afrique, 2000.
Rachel Wynberg / Commerce Mondial et Biodiversité en Conflit, Fondation Gaia et GRAIN, N°5.

Privatising the means for survival: the commercialisation of Africa's biodiversity, 2000.
R. Wynberg, Biowatch, South Africa with contributions from GAIA/GRAIN / Global Trade and Biodiversity in Conflict, Issue, N°5.

Privatización de los medios de subsistencia: La comercialización de la diversidad biológica en África, 2000.
Rachel Wynberg, Biowatch, Sudáfrica con la contribución de Gaia/GRAIN / Conflicto entre Comercio Global y Biodiversidad, Fundación Gaia / GRAIN, N°5.

Requiring Disclosure of the Origin of Genetic Resources and Prior Informed Consent in Patent Applications Without Infringing The TRIPS Agreement: The Problem and The Solution, 2000.
Authors: Nuno Pires de Carvalho / Washington University Journal of Law and Policy, Vol 2, p. 371.

Sharing the Benefits of Biodiversity: Access regimes and intellectual property rights, 2000.
Graham Dutfield / WGTRR, OCEES, Mansfield College, University of Oxford.

Study in the relationship between the agreement on TRIPS and biodiversity related issues, 2000.
Authors: CEAS Consultants (Wye) Ltd Centre for European Agricultural Studies, G. Tansey, Queen Mary Intellectual Property Research Institute / Final Report for DG TRADE European Commission.

The Andean Community’s New Industrial Property Regime: Creating Synergies between the CBD and Intellectual Property Rights, 2000.
M. Ruiz / BRIDGES, ICTSD, November-December 2000, 4(9).

Training Course on Biodiversity, Biotechnology, and Law, 2000.
The Global Biodiversity Institute/International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, 1-24 March 2000, Ibadan, Nigeria.

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