Project Outputs
Book | Policy Discussion Paper
| Regional Research Agenda | Issue
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Resource Book on TRIPS and Development
The Resource
Book on TRIPS and Development gives guidance on the implications
of specific issues and on the options available. Currently the
Resource Book is being compiled by a groups of international experts
on the TRIPS Agreement.
Policy Discussion Paper
The UNCTAD-ICTSD Policy Discussion Paper 'Intellectual
Property Rights: Implications for Development' is intended
to contribute to a better understanding of the key policy issues
raised by intellectual property rights (IPRs) and their impact
on economic development, poverty alleviation and sustainable human
Research Agenda
The Regional
Research Agenda comprises a series of policy-oriented research
papers on specific IP issues, written by regional experts. The studies
focus on specific IP issues that have been identified as research
gaps by particpants in UNCTAD-ICTSD Regional Dialogues. They aim
is to increase the visibility of developing country concerns and
evidence in IP debates, and to contribute directly to the national
and regional policy-making. The studies involve collaboration between
regional research institutions in developing countries.
Issue Papers
NEW: Innovation
and Technology Transfer to Address Climate Change: Lessons
from the Global Debate on Intellectual Property and Public
Issue Paper No. 24, by Frederick M. Abbott, 2009.
Technology Transfer
in the TRIPS Age: The Need for New Types of Partnerships between
the Least Developed and Most Advanced Economies
Issue Paper No. 23, by Dominique Foray, 2009.
NEW: The
Global Debate on the Enforcement of Intellectual Property
Rights and Developing Countries
Issue Paper No. 22, by Carsten Fink and Carlos Correa, 2009.
- Intellectual
Property and Competition Law: Exploring Some Issues of Relevance
to Developing Countries Issue Paper No. 21, by Carlos M.
Correa, 2007.
- Intellentual
Property Provisions in European Union Trade Agreements: Implications
for Developing Countries (français)
Issue Paper No. 20, by Maximiliano Santa-Cruz S., 2007.
- Maintaining
Policy Space for Development: A Case Study on IP Technical Assistance
in FTAs
Issue Paper No. 19, by Pedro Roffe, David Vivas-Eugui and Gina
Vea, 2007.
- New
Trends in Technology Transfer: Implications for National and
International Policy
Issue Paper No. 18, by John H. Barton, 2007.
- Exceptions
to Patent Rights in Developing Countries
Issue Paper No. 17, by Christopher Garrison, 2006.
- Protecting
Traditional Knowledge: Pathways to the Future
Issue Paper No.16, by Graham Dutfield, 2006.
- The
International Copyright System: Limitations, Exceptions and
Public Interest Considerations for Developing Countries in the
Digital Environment (français)
Issue Paper No. 15, by Ruth Okediji, 2006.
- Intellectual
Property and Economic Development: What Technical Assistance
to Redress the Balance in Favour of Developing Nations?
Issue Paper No. 14, by Michel Kostecki 2006.
- Utility
Models and Innovation in Developing Countries
Issue Paper No. 13, by Uma Suthersanen 2006.
- Intellectual
Property Provisions of Bilateral and Regional Trade Agreements
in Light of U.S. Federal Law
Issue Paper No. 12, by Frederick M. Abbott, 2006.
- Technical
Assistance for the Formulation and Implementation of Intellectual
Property Policy in Developing Countries and Transition Economies
Issue Paper No. 11, by Tom Pengelly, 2005.
Intellectual Property and Computer Software, A Battle of Competing
Use and Access Visions for Countries of the South
Issue Paper No. 10, by Alan Story, 2004.
- Development
in the Information Age: Issues in the Regulation of Intellectual
Property Rights, Computer Software and Electronic Commerce
Issue Paper No. 9, by Ruth L. Okediji, 2004.
- The
Socio-Economics of Geographical Indications, A Review of Empirical
Evidence from Europe
Issue Paper No. 8, by Dwijen Rangnekar, 2004.
International Technology Transfer
Issue Paper No. 7, by Keith E. Maskus, 2004.
and Technology Transfer Policies
Issue Paper No. 6, by John H. Barton, 2004.
- Non-Voluntary
Licensing of Patented Inventions : Historical Perspective, Legal
Framework under TRIPS, and an Overview of the Practice in Canada
and the United States of America
Issue paper No.5, by Jerome H. Reichman and Catherine Hasenzahl,
- Geographical
Indications: A Review of Proposals at the TRIPS Council, Extending
Article 23 to Products other than Wines and Spirit
Issue paper No.4, by Dwijen Rangnekar, 2003.
- Indicators
of the relative importance of IPRs in developing countries
Issue paper No.3, by Sanjaya Lall, with the collaboration of
Manuel Albaladejo, 2003.
- Technology
Transfer and Intellectual Property Rights: Lessons from Korea's
Issue paper No.2, by Linsu Kim, 2003.
Traditional Knowledge and Folklore: A review of progress in
diplomacy and policy formulation
Issue paper No.1, by Graham Dutfield, 2003.
Trade, Innovation and Intellectual Property: Lessons from
the CARIFORUM EPA Experience from a Negotiators Perspective
By Malcom Spence September 2009 (Find here: Short
Policy Brief No. 4, September 2009.
NEW: Addressing
the Interface Between Patents and Technical Standards in Technical
Trade Discussions
Policy Brief No. 3, February 2009.
NEW: Does
TRIPS Art. 66.2 Encourage Technology Transfer to The LDCs?:
An Analysis of Country Submissions to the TRIPS Council (1999-2007)
By Suerie Moon. Policy Brief No. 2, December 2008.
- NEW: A2K
and the WIPO Development Agenda: Time to List the "Public
By Dr. Uma Suthersanen. Policy Brief No. 1, December 2008.
Research Tools