Intellectual property and folklore, music and entertainment
Intellectual property and public education
Intellectual property and information and communication technologies
Intellectual property and the protection of biodiversity
Intellectual property and agriculture, food and nutrition
Intellectual property and access to medicines in developing countries
Intellectual property and foreign direct investment
Human rights aspects of intellectual property
Intellectual property and technology transfer: help or hindrance?
Intellectual property and the knowledge, innovations and practices of indigenous peoples and local communities
TRIPS, implementation and Review
ICTSD dialogues on trade, IPRs and sustainable development
Selected new stories published in BRIDGES
Discussion papers and BRIDGES articles on IPRs, trade and sustainable development
Resource Book, Policy Paper, Case Studies and Research Tools
About the UNCTAD-ICTSD project on IPRs
Related UNCTAD and ICTSD activities in this area
Setting an agenda for IP negotiations in the next five years
WIPO: Institutional functioning and relevant developments
WTO Members' Submissions on IPRs
the reform agenda
Policy Options for Assuring Affordable Access to Essential Medicines
Preserving Public Goods in health, education and learning
Intellectual Property and Free Trade Agreements
Intellectual Property and Geographical Indications
Regional Research Agenda
The Regional
Research Agenda comprises a series of policy-oriented research
papers on specific IP issues, written by regional experts. The studies
focus on specific IP issues that have been identified as research
gaps by participants in UNCTAD-ICTSD Regional Dialogues. They aim
is to increase the visibility of developing country concerns and
evidence in IP debates, and to contribute directly to the national
and regional policy-making. The studies involve collaboration between
regional research institutions in developing countries.