
Traditional Knowledge 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001

Documents from 1993 to 2000 (click)

Traditional Knowledge and Cultural Expressions. WIPO Resources: Databases and Inventories

Exploring Elements and Componenets of Sui Generis Systems for Plant Variety Protection and Traditional Knowledge in Asia, March 2007
By Daniel Robinson

Traditional Knowledge and Genetic Resources in Economic Partnership Agreements: Elements of a Positive Agenda for ECOWAS Countries, May 2007
By Dalindyebo Shabalala

A Simple Guide to Intellectual Property Rights, Biodiversity and Traditional Knowledge, 2006.
Author: Tejaswini Apte

Protecting Traditional Knowledge: Pathways to the Future, April 2006.
By Graham Dutfield, ICTSD.

Safeguarding Hawaiian Traditional Knowledge and Cultural Heritage: Supporting the Right to Self-determination and Preventing the Commodification of Culture, December 2005.
By Danielle Conway-Jones in How. L.J. 737

Livestock biodiversity indigenous knowledge and intellectual property rights, April 2006.

Governance and Micropolitics of Traditional Knowledge, Biodiversity and Intellectual Property in Thailand, February 2006.
By Daniel F. Robinson.

FTAS: Trading Away Traditional Knowledge, February 2006.
By GRAIN in collaboration with Dr Silvia Rodríguez Cervantes.

Disclosure of Origin- towards equity or another exercise in futility?, March 2006.
Presentation by Mr. Brendan Tobin, UNU-IAS

Indigenous Knowledge, Alternative Medecine and Intellectual Property Rights Concerns in Kenya, December 2005
Kibet A. Ng'etich

Disclosure of origin: Time for a reality check?, 2005
Author: G. Dutfield

User Measures as a Means of Resolving Potential Conflicts between WTO and CBD
, 2005
Authors: S. Louafi and B. Tobin

Prior Informed Consent and access to Genetic Resources, 2005
Authors: M.J. Oliva & A. Perrault

Addressing the disclosure requirement at the international level - the role of the TRIPS agreement, 2005
B. Venero

Feasibility of National Disclosure of Origin Requirements, 2005
Author: M. Gollin

Disclosure Requirements: Ensuring mutual supportiveness between the WTO TRIPS Agreement and the CBD, November 2005

Traditional Knowledge, Biodiversity, Benefit-Sharing and the Patent System: Romantics v. Economics?. May 2005
Author: Hanns Ullrich, European University Institute, Florence.

Promotions of Traditional Knowledge: A Compilation of UNCCD Documents and Reports from 1997 - 2003
. 2005
Author: United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification, Bonn.

Trade in Cultural Goods, Traditional Knowledge and Intellectual Property, 2005
Yusuf Abdulgawi

Building on Gender, Agrobiodiversity and Local Knowledge. 2005
Author: Food and Agriculture Organisation, Rome

Thinking Aloud on Disclosure of Origin
. October 2005
Author: Graham Dutfield, Quaker United Nations Office Occasional Paper, Geneva.

Disclosure of Origin and Access and Benefit Sharing: The Special Case of Seeds for Food and Agriculture
. October 2005
Author: Walter Smolders, Quaker United Nations Office Occasional Paper, Geneva.

South African Legislation on Traditional Medicines. March 2005
Author: Sibongile Pefile, SciDev.Net

The Evolution of Global Standards for Traditional Medicines. March 2005
Author: Darshan Shankar and Padma Venkatasubramanian, SciDev.Net

Rhetoric, Realism and Benefit Sharing: Use of Traditional Knowledge of Hoodia Species in the Development of an Appetite Suppressant
, November 2004.
Rachel Wynberg, Journal of World Intellectual Property 7(6)

Protecting and Promoting Traditional Knowledge: Systems, National Experiences and International Dimensions
, October 2004
Editors: Sophia Twarog and Pramila Kapoor, UNCTAD

National and Regional Laws to Protect IK Related to Genetic Resources. March 2004
Author: Manuel Ruiz, SciDev.Net

Global Legislation in Indigenous Knowledge
. March 2004
Author: Anju Sharma, SciDev.Net

Access to Genetic Resources, Intellectual Property Rights and Biodiversity: Processes and Synergies
, 2004.
Authors: Manuel Ruiz, IUCN, Paper prepared for the Seventh Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity, March 2004.

Report of the Working Group on Indigenous Populations on its twenty-second session, 2004.
Guideline for the Review of the Draft Principles and Guidelines on the Heritage of Indigenous Peoples, 2004.
Author: Yozo Yokota / Saami Council.

Poor People's Knowledge: Helping Poor People to Earn from Their Knowledge, 2004.
Author: J. Michael Finger / World Bank Policy Research Working Paper.

Report of the Working Group on Indigenous Populations on its twenty-second session, 2004.
Author: Miguel Alfonso Martínez / The Working Group.

The Role of Registers and Databases in the Protection of Traditional Knowledge, 2004.
Author: UNU -IAS.

The great protection racket: imposing IPRs on traditional knowledge, 2004.
Author: GRAIN.

The Role of Intellectual Property Rights in the Sharing of Benefits Arising from the Use of Biological Resources and Traditional Knowledge, 2004.
Author: Professor Anil K Gupta / Study jointly commissioned by WIPO and UNEP, Pre-publication version for the Seventh Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity Kuala Lumpur, February 9 to 20, 2004.

Traditional Knowledge and Benefit Sharing: From Compensation to Transaction, 2004.
Authors: David Castle and E. Richard Gold / Intellectual Property Modeling Group.

Traditional Knowledge and Cultural Expressions: The Role of Intellectual Property Rights in the Sharing of Benefits Arising from the Use
of Biological Resources and Associated Traditional Knowledge
, 2004.
Author: Anil K Gupta / a study jointly commissioned by the World Intellectual Property Organization and the United Nations Environment Programme, advance draft, February 2004.

Traditional Knowledge and the International Context for Protection, 2004.
Author: Johanna Gibson / SCRIPT-ed Open Licence.

Update on International Developments Relating to the Intellectual Property Protection of Traditional Knowledge Including Traditional Medicine, 2004.
Author: Carlos M. Correa / South Centre, Trade-Related Agenda, Development and Equity, Working Papers N°18.

International Negotiations on Biodiversity, Genetic Resources and Intellectual Property: Implications of the WIPO Intergovernmental Committee’s New Mandate, March 2004.
Authors: David Vivas-Eugui, María Fernanda Espinosa y Sebastián Winkler, Policy & Global Change Series, Trade and Biodiversity, Informal Notes, ICTSD, IUCN.

Vision of Indigenous Peoples in the context of the decisions pertaining Access to Genetic Resources and Benefit Sharing (ABS) and Article 8j: An Analysis of the Impacts of CBD/COP Decisions with respect to WIPO’s IGC Mandate, 2004.
Rodrigo de la Cruz, Policy & Global Change Series, Trade and Biodiversity, Informal Notes, COICA, ICTSD, IUCN, March 2004.

Declaracion de Buenos Aires sobre el Conocimiento Tradicional, los Derechos Indigenas y los Sistemas de Propiedad Intelectual, 2003.
Firmado durante el segundo seminario nacional argentino Los Derechos Indigenas y la Propiedad Intelectual, Conservación y Gestión de la Biodiversidad y el Conocimiento Tradicional, Facultad de Derecho, Universidad de Buenos Aires, 17-21 Febrero 2003.

Derechos Indigenas y Sistemas de Propiedad Intelectual: Conservación y Gestión de la Biodiversidad y del Conocimiento Tradicional, 2003.
Author: Material producido en el Proyecto de Investigación D 012 de la Programación Científica UBACyT 2000-2003, dirigido por : Dra. Teodora Zamudio / Segundo seminario nacional argentino Los Derechos Indigenas y la Propiedad Intelectual, Conservación y Gestión de la Biodiversidad y el Conocimiento Tradicional, Facultad de Derecho, Universidad de Buenos Aires, 17-21 Febrero 2003.

Intellectual and Cultural Property Rights of Indigenous and Tribal Peoples in Asia, 2003.
Michael Bengwayan / Minority Rights Group International, London.

Intellectual Property, Bioprospecting and Traditional Knowledge: Who Benefits?, 2003.
Kim Connolly-Stone / Ministry of Economic Development, New Zealand.

Intellectual Property Protection of Expressions of Folklore: Attempts at the International Level, 2003.

Intergovernmental Committee on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore, Fifth Session, Geneva, July 7 to 15 2003.
Document prepared by the Secretariat.

Let's not get too romantic about traditional knowledge, 2003.
Author: David Dickson / SciDev.Net.

Next Steps for International Protection of Traditional Knowledge in View, 2003.
Author: WIPO.

Notas sobre biodiversidad, biotecnologia, propiedad intelectual y pueblos indígenas, 2003.
Author: Sebastian Lara / Seminario nacional argentino Los Derechos Indigenas y la Propiedad Intelectual, Conservación y Gestión de la Biodiversidad y el Conocimiento Tradicional, Facultad de Derecho, Universidad de Buenos Aires, 17-21 Febrero 2003.

Prometeo de pie. Alternativas étnicas y éticas a la apropiación del conocimiento, 2003.
Author: Oscar Calavia Sáez / Seminario nacional argentino Los Derechos Indigenas y la Propiedad Intelectual, Conservación y Gestión de la Biodiversidad y el Conocimiento Tradicional, Facultad de Derecho, Universidad de Buenos Aires, 17-21 Febrero 2003.

Protecting Folklore under modern intellectual property regimes: a reappraisal of the tensions between individual and communal rights in Africa and in the United States, 2003.
Author: Paul Kuruk.

Taking forward the Review of Article 27.3 b) of the TRIPS Agreement, 2003.
Africa Group.

Traditional Knowledge and Intellectual Property, A Handbook on Issues and Options for Traditional Knowledge Holders in Protecting their Intellectual Property and Maintaining Biological Diversity, 2003.
Stephen A. Hansen and Justin W. VanFleet / American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).

Traditional Knowledge and Patentability, 2003.
International Institute for Sustainable Development / IISD Trade and Development Brief, No. 7, IISD, Winnipeg,
Summer 2003, 4 pp.

Who Owns Traditional Knowledge?, 2003.
Ajeet Mathur / Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations, Working Paper N°96.

Access to Genetic Resources, Gene-based Inventions and Agriculture, 2002.
M. Blakeney / Study Paper 3b, UK Commission on Intellectual Property Rights.

Anlisis de Opciones Sui Generis para la Proteccion del Conocimiento Tradicional y la Experiencia Venezolana en la Materia, 2002.
D. Vivas Eugui / Documento preparado para el Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología de Venezuela, Caracas, Marzo 2002.

Biodiversity and traditional knowledge: equitable partnerships in practice, 2002.
Sarah A. Laird / Earthcan Publications Ltd., London, UK.

Biodiversity rights legislation, 2002.
Genetic Resources Action International (GRAIN).

Comité Intergubernamental sobre Propiedad Intelectual y Recursos Genéticos, Conocimientos Tradicionales y Folclore, 2002.
Secretaría de la OMPI / Cuarta sesión, 9 a 17 de diciembre de 2002.

Comunidad y Derechos de Propiedad Intelectual, 2002.
Teodora Zamudio.

Conocimientos Tradicionales: Su Concepto dentro del Ambito de la OMPI, 2002.
Angélica Sola.

Council for Trade-Related Aspectsof Intellectual Property Rights: The protection of traditional knowledge and folklore, summary of issues raised and points made, 2002.
Note by the WTO Secretariat.

Declaración del Cusco sobre Acceso a Recursos Genéticos, Conocimiento Tradicional y Derechos de Propiedad Intelectual de los Países Megadiversos Afines , 2002.
Author: Comunidad Andina, Secretaria General.

Derechos Culturales y Derechos de Propiedad Intelectual: un campo de negociacion conflictivo, 2002.
Authors: Rubens Bayardo y Ana Spadafora / Segundo seminario nacional argentino Los Derechos Indigenas y la Propiedad Intelectual, Conservación y Gestión de la Biodiversidad y el Conocimiento Tradicional, Facultad de Derecho, Universidad de Buenos Aires, 17-21 Febrero 2003.

Derechos de Propiedad Intelectual sobre Conocimiento Vernaculo, 2002.
Author: Alvaro Zerda Sarmiento / Trabajo de grado para optar al título de Doctor en Economía, Director de Tesis: Profesor Doctor Clemente Forero Pineda, Escuela de Economía, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Universidad Nacional de Colombia.

Exposés sur l'Expérience de Différents Pays et Organisations en Matière de Systèmes Législatifs Spécialisés pour la Protection Juridique des Expressions Culturelles Traditionnelles (Expressions du Folklore) , 2002.
Author: Secrétariat de l'OMPI / Comité Intergouvernemental de la Propriété Intellectuelle relative aux Ressources Génétiques, aux Savoirs Traditionnels et au Folklore, Quatrième session, Genève, 9 Octobre.

Grupo de Acción de Países Megadiversos Afines Acceso a los Recursos Genéticos, Conocimiento Tradicional y Derechos de Propiedad Intelectual, 2002.
Author: Comunidad Andina, Secretaria General.

Indigenous Cultural and Intellectual Property Rights
Robert Sullivan Te Tumu Herenga/University of Auckland, New Zealand

Indigenous Knowledge Dossier
, 2002.

Indigenous Knowledge: Opportunities and Challenges, 2002.
N. Gorjestani / Indigenous Knowledge Initiative, World Bank.

Intellectual Property, Biodiversity and Sustainable Development: Resolving the Difficult Issues, 2002.
Martin Khor / Zed Books, Third World Network .

Intellectual Property, Genetic Resources and Traditional Knowledge Protection: Thinking Globally, Acting Locally, 2002.
Authors: Charles R. McManis, Thomas and Karole Green / Faculty Working Papers Series, Washington University in St Louis, School of Law, N°02-10-03.

IP for traditional knowledge on-line: recognizing, respecting and rewarding creativity and innovation at grassroots, 2002.
A.K. Gupta / Paper presented at the Second WIPO International Conference on Electronic Commerce and Intellectual Property, Geneva, 19-21 September, 2001.

Issues in the Protection of Traditional Knowledge (TK), 2002.
"Stakeholder Dialogue Process on the Issues of Intellectual Property Rights in Biotechnology" organised by WISSENSCHAFTSZENTRUM BERLIN FÜR SOZIALFORSCHUNG and World Business Council for Sustainable Development.

La Proteccion de los Conocimientos Tradicionales en los Foros Internacionales, 2002.
Jorge Albites B. / Estudio Preparado para el Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología de Venezuela.

Medicina tradicional, patentes y biopirater a, 2002.
Silvia Ribeiro / La Jornada, México.

New Peruvian Law Protects Indigenous Peoples’ Collective Knowledge, 2002.
Authors: Manuel Ruiz, Isabel Lapeña; / BRIDGES, ICTSD, Vol. 6, N°6, September 2002.

Presentacion de Experiencias Nacionales con Sistemas Normativos de Proteccion Juridica de las Expresiones Culturales Tradicionales (las Expresiones del Folclore), 2002. Document in Word
Secretaria de la OMPI / Comité Intergubernamental sobre Propiedad Intelectual y Recursos Genéticos, Conocimientos Tradicionales y Folclore, Quarta Sesion, Ginebra, 29 Noviembre.

Presentations on National and Regional Experiences with Specific Legislation for the Legal Protection of Traditional Cultural Expressions (Expressions of Folklore), 2002. Document in Word, Annexes II to IV, Attachment to Annex IV.
the WIPO Secretariat / Intergovernmental Committee on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore, Fourth Session, Geneva, 9-17 December.

Protecting Traditional Knowledge and Folklore: A review of progress in diplomacy and policy formulation (draft), 2002.
Graham Dutfield / UNCTAD/ICTSD Capacity Building Project on Intellectual Property Rights and Sustainable Development.

Protection and Promotion of Traditional Medicine: Implications for Public Health in Developing Countries, 2002.
C. Correa / South Centre.

Report: Intergovermental Committee on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore, 2002. Document in Word
Author: Report adopted by the Committee on the 17 December, Fouth Session, Geneva, 9-17 December 2002.

Report: Intergovermental Committee on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore, 2002. Document in Word
Author: Report adopted by the Committee on the 21 June, Third Session, Geneva, 13-21 June 2002.

Safeguarding Traditional Cultures: A Global Assessment of the 1989 UNESCO Recommendation on the Safeguarding of Traditional Culture and Folklore, 2002.
Authors: Andy P. Abeita, Noriko Aikawa, Robyne Bancroft, Tressa Berman, Janet Blake, Stepanida Borisova, Mounir Bouchenaki, Manuela Carneiro da Cunha, Russell Collier, Rachid El Houda, Mahaman Garba, Mihály Hoppál, Florentino H. Hornedo, Pualani Kanaka‘ole Kanahele, Junzo Kawada, Heikki Kirkinen, Grace Koch, Namankoumba Kouyaté, Richard Kurin, Kurshida Mambetova, Renato Matusse, Anthony McCann, J. H. Kwabena Nketia, Lyndel V. Prott, Kamal Puri, Miguel Puwainchir, Gail Saunders, Anthony Seeger, Rajeev Sethi, Mohsen Shaalan, Samantha Sherkin, Bradford S. Simon, Preston Thomas, Sivia Tora, Yamaguti Osamu, Zulma Yugar.

Stakeholder Dialogue Process on the Issues of Intellectual Property Rights in Biotechnology: Issues in the Protection of Traditional Knowledge, 2002.
(Dialogue organised by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development and Wissenschaftzentrum Berlin für Socialforschung).

The International Debate on Traditional Knowledge as Prior Art in the Patent System: Issues and Options for Developing Countries, 2002.
Manuel Ruiz / South Centre.

The "state of the debate" on traditional knowledge, 2002.
Background note prepared by the UNCTAD secretariat / International Seminar on Systems for the Protection and Commercialisation of Traditional knowledge, in particular traditional medicines, 3-5 April, 2002, New Delhi.

Towards A Reconciliation Between The Convention On Biological Diversity And TRIPS Agreement; An Interface Among Intellectual Property Rights On Biotechnology, Traditional Knowledge, And Benefit Sharing, 2002.
Author: Jonathan Curci Staffler / University of Geneva.

Traditional Knowledge and Geographical Indications, 2002.
Commission on Intellectual Property Rights (CIPR) / in Integrating Intellectual Property Rights and Development Policy, CIPR, Chapter 4, 2002.

Traditional knowledge of biodiversity in Asia-Pacific: problems of piracy & protection
, 2002.
Genetic Resources Action International (GRAIN), Kalpavriksh.

TRIPS, sus Principios y la Proteccion de los Conocimientos Tradicionales, 2002.
Mariela E. Borgarello.

A community guide to protecting Indigenous Knowledge, 2001.
Authors: S. Brascoupé, H. Mann / Research and Analysis Directorate, Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development (Canada).

Acceso a Recursos Genéticos, Conocimientos Tradicionales y Distribucion de Beneficios, 2001.
Author: Consorcio GTZ/FUNDECO/IE / IV Taller Regional, Pampatar, Venezuela, 17 al 19 de julio de 2001, Estrategia Regional de Biodiversidad para los Paises del Tropico Andino, Comunidad Andina, Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo.

Aspectos que deben ser considerados en las negociaciones de los países miembros de la Comunidad Andina ante la Organización Mundial del Comercio (OMC), el Area de Libre Comercio de las Américas (ALCA) y la Organización Mundial de la Propiedad Intelectual (OMPI), 2001.
Documento elaborado por un grupo de delegados asistentes al Cuarto Taller "Acceso a Recursos Genéticos, Conocimientos y Prácticas Tradicionales y Distribución de Beneficios", Isla Margarita, Venezuela, 17 al 19 de Julio.

Cmo y qui n debe proteger el conocimiento tradicional?, 2001.
Silvia Rodríguez Cervantes / Biodiversidad, sustento y culturas, Reporte de la Reunión de la UNCTAD sobre Experiencias Nacionales y Sistemas para la Protección del Conocimiento, las Innovaciones y las Prácticas Tradicionales.

Comunidad Andina de Naciones: Estrategia Regional de Biodiversidad. Distribucion de Beneficios, 2001.
Consorcio GTZ/FUNDECO/IE / Documento preliminar para revisión por países.

Conocimientos Tradicionales: Necesidades y Expectativas en Materia de Propiedad Intelectual. Informe relativo a las misiones exploratorias sobre propiedad intelectual y conocimientos tradicionales (1998-1999), 2001.

Development Co-operation, TRIPS, Indigenous Knowledge and Genetic Resources, 2001.
Jonathan Hepburn / Report based on a seminar held by the Quaker United Nations Office.

Distribucion de Beneficios , 2001.
Consorcio GTZ/FUNDECO/IE / IV Taller Regional, Pampatar, Venezuela, 17 al 19 de julio de 2001, Estrategia Regional de Biodiversidad para los Paises del Tropico Andino, Comunidad Andina, Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo.

Indigenous People in International Agreements and Organizations: A Review Focused on the Legal and Institutional Issues, 2001.
Flavia Noejovich / Social Policy Program, IUCN.

Intellectual property rights regime necessary for traditional livestock raisers, 2001.
Ilse Köhler-Rollefson / Indigenous Knowledge and Development Monitor (IKDM), Indigenous Knowledge and Development Network.

La Science Occidentale et les Connaissances Traditionnelles, 2001.
Robert T McFetridge et Geoff Howell / SCIE – Associer la science occidentale et les connaissances traditionnelles, 28 février 2001.

Los Conocimientos Tradicionales y la Propiedad Intelectual, 2001.
Carlos Correa / Documento de discusion, elaborado a solicitud de la Oficina Cuáquera ante las Naciones Unidas (QUNO), Ginebra.

Manifiesto de las Organizaciones Indígenas participantes al IV Taller Regional de la Comunidad Andina de Naciones (CAN), sobre: Acceso a Recursos Genéticos, Conocimientos Tradicionales y Distribución de Beneficios, Isla Margarita – Venezuela 17 al 19 de julio de 2001

Matters Concerning Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore--An Overview, 2001.
World Intellectual Property Organization Secretariat / Intergovernmental Committee on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore, Geneva, Switzerland, 30 April-3 May 2001.

"Protección a los Conocimientos Tradicionales", 2001.
Lic. Rodrigo de la Cruz / Cuarto Taller "Acceso a Recursos Genéticos, Conocimientos y Prácticas Tradicionales y Distribución de Beneficios", Isla Margarita, Venezuela, 17-19 Julio 2001.

Proteccion, Recuperacion, y Difusion de Conocimientos y Practicas Tradicionales, 2001.
Consorcio GTZ/FUNDECO/IE / IV Taller Regional, Pampatar, Venezuela, 17 al 19 de julio de 2001, Estrategia Regional de Biodiversidad para los Paises del Tropico Andino, Comunidad Andina, Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo.

Protection of Traditional Medicine, 2001.
Richard Wilder / CMH Working Paper Series, Commission on Macroeconomics and Health, Paper N°WG 4: 4.

Recopilación de documentos relevantes para el Taller “Acceso a recursos genéticos, conocimientos y prácticas tradicionales y distribución de beneficios (CAN-BID)”, Conferencia de Naciones Unidas sobre Comercio y Desarrollo (UNCTAD), Caracas, Venezuela, 17 a 19 de Julio del 2001.
Iniciativa BIOTRADE, Programa Conjunto para los Países Andinos CAN-CAF-UNCTAD

Relatoria Final del IV Taller "Acceso a Recursos Genéticos, Conocimientos y Prácticas Tradicionales y Distribución de Beneficios", Isla Margarita, Venezuela, 17 al 19 de Julio 2001.
Relatora: Susana Quintero.

Report: Intergovermental Committee on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore, 2001. Document in Word Document in PDF
Author: Report adopted by the Committee on the 14 December, Second Session, Geneva, 10-14 December 2001.

Report: Intergovermental Committee on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore, 2001. Document in Word
Author: Report adopted by the Committee on the 23 May, First Session, Geneva, 30 April to 3 May 2001.

Traditional Knowledge and Intellectual Property: Issues and options surrounding the protection of traditional knowledge, 2001.
C. Correa / A Discussion Paper, Quaker United Nations Office (QUNO).

Valuing Art, Respecting Culture: protocols for working with australian indigenous visual arts and craft sector, 2001.
Authors: Dooren Mellor, Terri Janke / commissioned by the National Association for the visual art (NAVA).

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