Knowledge 2000 1999
1998 1997 1995
1994 1993
Documents from 2001
to 2005 (click)
Alcances Iniciales sobre
un Registro de Conocimientos, Innovaciones y Practicas de Comunidades
Indigenas Asociados a la Biodiversidad, 2000.
Manuel Ruiz / Serie de Política y Derecho
Ambiental de la SPDA.
for sale: dismantling the hype about benefit sharing, 2000.
GAIA Foundation, Genetic Resources Action International
of Indigenous Knowledge and Benefit Sharing, 2000.
Dr. Suman Sahai, Gene Campaign, India / UNCTAD
Expert Meeting on Systems and National Experiences for Protecting
Traditional Knowledge, Innovations and Practices, Geneva, 30
October – 1 November 2000.
de propiedad intelectual sobre los conocimientos de las comunidades
étnicas, 2000.
Authors: Álvaro Zerda-Sarmiento, Clemente Forero -Pineda.
Cártel de la Biodiversidad: Transformación de Conocimientos
Tradicionales en Secretos Comerciales, 2000.
Authors: Joseph Henry Vogel (editor), Rocío Alarcon
y Malki Saenz Garcia, Manolo Morales, Robert Lindstrom.
Resources & traditional Knowledge Use and Commercialization in Vietnam:
The Case of the Crop, Plants and Medicinal Plants, 2000.
Le Quy An, President Vietnamese Association for Conservation
of Nature and Environment / UNCTAD Expert Meeting on Systems
and National Experiences for Protecting Traditional Knowledge, Innovations
and Practices, Geneva, 30 October – 1 November 2000.
knowledge and intellectual property rights, 2000.
Siddhartha Prakash / IK Note, the Africa Region's
Knowledge and Learning Center, N°19, April 2000.
property needs and expectations of traditional knowledge holders,
World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) /
WIPO Report on Fact-finding Missions on Intellectual Property
and Traditional Knowledge (1998-1999).
property rights and biodiversity in Brazil: conservation, sustainable
use and protection of the indigenous rights, 2000.
Francisco Eugenio Machado Arcanjo / Institute of
Brazilian Business and Public Management Issues - IBI.
traditional or cultural knowledge a form of Intellectual Property?,
K. Puri / Electronic Journal of Intellectual Property
Rights, Oxford IP Research Centre - Working and Seminar Papers.
connaissances autochtones et le droit de la propriété
intellectuelle, 2000.
Siddhartha Prakash / Notes CA, Banque Mondiale,
Derechos Indigenas y los Derechos de Propiedad Intelectual, Bolivia,
Dr. Javier Ernesto Muñoz Pereyra / UNCTAD Expert
Meeting on Systems and National Experiences for Protecting Traditional
Knowledge, Innovations and Practices, Geneva, 30 October – 1
November 2000.
Box": TRIPS Article 27(3)(b) and the CBD, 2000.
Authors: R. Lettington, M. Manek / Genetic Engineering &
Intellectual Property Rights Resource Center (IATP).
la biopirater
a en M xico": Organizaciones ind
genas de Chiapas
reclaman moratoria inmediata. Las autoridades mexicanas niegan el
permiso de bioprospeccin, 2000.
Fundación Internacional para el Progreso Rural (RAFI).
de Régimen de Protección de los Conocimientos Colectivos de los
Pueblos Indígenas", 2000.
Authors: Juan Luis Avendaño Cisneros, Ana María Pacón, Gonzalo
Ruiz y Begoña Venero, con la colaboración de Sylvia Bazán, Armando
Cáceres y Beatriz Boza / Documento de Trabajo Nº 010, Area de Estudios
Económicos del Indecopi.
de la Reunin de la UNCTAD sobre Experiencias Nacionales y Sistemas
para la Proteccin del Conocimiento, las Innovaciones y las Prcticas
Tradicionales, Ginebra, 30 de octubre al 1 de noviembre de 2000.
Silvia Rodríguez Cervantes.
of the Inter-Regional Workshop on Intellectual Property Rights in
the Context of Traditional Medicine, 2000.
World Health Organisation (WHO) / Bangkok, Thailand,
68 December 2000.
of the UNCTAD Expert Meeting on Systems and National Experiences
for Protecting Traditional Knowledge, Innovations and Practices,
UNCTAD Secretariat / Commission on Trade in Goods
and Services, and Commodities, Fifth session, Geneva, 19 February
Sui Generis para la protección del Conocimiento Tradicional,
Atencio López Martinez, Asociación Napguana Panamá
/ UNCTAD Expert Meeting on Systems and National Experiences for
Protecting Traditional Knowledge, Innovations and Practices,
Geneva, 30 October – 1 November 2000.
and national experiences for protecting traditional knowledge, innovations,
and proctices, 2000.
Background Note by the UNCTAD Secretariat / Commission
on Trade in Goods and Services, and Commodities, Expert Meeting
on Systems and National Experiences for Protecting Traditional Knowledge,
Innovations and Practices, Geneva, 30 October 1 November
Biodiversity Cartel: Transforming Traditional Knowledge into Trade
Secrets, 2000.
Authors: Joseph Henry Vogel (Editor), Rocío Alarcon
and Malki Saenz Garcia, Manolo Morales, Robert Lindstrom / CARE,
Proyecto SUBIR.
Peruvian Proposal on the Protection of Traditional Knowledge,
Dr. iur. Ana María Pacón / UNCTAD Expert Meeting
on Systems and National Experiences for Protecting Traditional Knowledge,
Innovations and Practices, Geneva, 30 October – 1 November 2000.
Registries of Biodiversity-related Knowledge: The Role of Intellectual
Property in Managing Access and Benefit Sharing, 1999.
D.R. Downes, S.A. Laird (with contributions by G.
Dutfield, T.D. Mays and J. Casey) / prepared for UNCTAD Biotrade
negras de Colombia: en defensa de biodiversidad, territotio y cultura,
Author: Escobar Arturo / Biodiversidad, Sustento y Culturas,
Genetic Resources Action International (GRAIN).
Indigenas deben ser compensados, 1999.
Author: Gurdial Singh Nijar / Revista del Sur, N°93-94.
Mechanisms for Sharing Benefits of Biodiversity and Related Knowledge
Case Studies on Geographical Indications and Trademarks, 1999.
D.R. Downes, S.A. Laird, (with contributions by G.
Dutfield and R. Wynberg) / prepared for UNCTAD Biotrade Initiative.
Property and Aboriginal People: A Working Paper, 1999.
Authors: Simon Brascoupé, Karin Endemann / Research and
Analysis Directorate, Department of Indian Affairs and Northern
Development Intellectual Property Policy Directorate, Industry Canada.
Property in the Dreamtime: Protecting the Cultural Creativity of
Indigenous Peoples, 1999.
Author: M. Blakeney / Oxford Intellectual Property Research
Centre, Research Seminar, 9 November 1999.
genas Mayas denuncian proyecto de biopirater
a en Chiapas. La
Universidad de Georgia se niega a suspender el proyecto, 1999.
The Rural Advancement Foundation International (RAFI).
Culture: Our Future Report on Australian Indigenous Cultural
and Intellectual Property Rights, 1999.
Authors: Terri Janke, Michael Frankel / Prepared for Australian
Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander Studies and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission.
sobre la Disputa de la "Bioprospeccion" en Chiapas: Un anlisis
de los temas surgidos en la controversia sobre la bioprospeccin
en Chiapas y la biopirater
a., 1999.
The Rural Advancement Foundation International (RAFI).
and its Potential Impacts on Indigenous Peoples, 1999.
Victoria Tauli-Corpuz / Tebtebba Briefing Paper,
Indigenous People and Intellectual Property Rights, N°5.
on the Official Insignia of Native American Tribes, 1999.
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (PTO).
Genetic Resources, and Indigenous Peoples in Amazonia: (Re)Discovering
the Wealth of Traditional Resources of Native Amazonians, 1998.
Authors: Darrell Addison Posey,
Property Law and the Protection of Indigenous Folklore and Knowledge,
J.W. Githaiga / Murdoch University Electronic
Journal of Law, Vol. 5, N° 2.
Property Protection and Traditional Knowledge: An Exploration in
International Policy Discourse, 1998.
Author: John Mugabe / Paper Prepared for the World Intellectual
Property Organization (WIPO) by African Centre for Technology Studies
imposaible para la OMPI?, 1998.
Author: Genetic Resources Action International (GRAIN).
Beyond Article
27[3b]: Can the TRIPS Agreement Protect Biological and Cultural
Diversity?, 1997.
Graham Dutfield / BRIDGES, ICTSD, Vol. 1,
N°3, September 1997.
de la Razon: Monopolios Intelectuales. Un Material de Apoyo sobre
Conocimiento Local, Biodiversidad y Propiedad Intelectual.,
The Rural Advancement Foundation International (RAFI)
/ Preparado para el Programa de Desarrollo y Conservación
de la Biodiversidad en Comunidades de Pequeños Agricultores
(CBDC Programme).
Peoples and Intellectual Property Rights, 1997.
Michael Davis / Research Paper, Parliament
of Australia, 1996-97, N°20.
Peoples and the Use of Intellectual Property Rights in Canada: Case
Studies Relating to Intellectual Property Rights and the Protection
of Biodiversity, 1997.
Mann Howard / International And Environmental Law
and Policy.
Intellectual Property as a Tool to Protect Traditional Knowledge:
Recommendations for Next Steps, 1997.
D. Downes / Center for International Environmental
Law (CIEL), CIEL Discussion Paper prepared for the Convention
on Biological Diversity Workshop on Traditional Knowledge, Madrid,
November 1997.
Rights and Reform: a Report to Government on Native Title Social
Justice Measures, 1995.
Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation, Australia.
Toward more universal protection of intangible cultural property,
Berryman, C. A. / Journal of Intellectual Property
Law, N° 1.
Indigenous Peoples and Intellectual Property Rights, 1993.
Authors: J.R. Axt, M.L. Corn, M. Lee, D.M. Ackerman / Congressional
Research Service, Washington DC: The Library of Congress. |