
Food, Agriculture and Nutrition 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000

Documents from 1993 to 1999 (click)

Future Control of Food: A Guide to International Negotiations and Rules on Intellecutal Property, Biodiversity and Food Security 2008.

Intellectual Property Management in Health and Agricultural Innovation: A Handbook of Best Practices, 2007.

Intellectual Property Rights-Designing Regimes to Support Plant Breeding in Developing Countries, Agriculture and Rural Development Department
World Bank Report


The International Protection of Geographical Indications: The Asian Experience
, 2004.
Author: Dwijen Rangnekar, CSGR and the Law School, University of Warwick.

Intellectual Property Rights in Agriculture and the Interests of Asian- Pacific
Keith Maskus

Fitting Plant Variety Protection and Biotechnological Inventions in Agriculture Within the Intellectual Property Framework: Challenges for Developing Countries
, 2004.
Author: Surinder Kaur Verma, University of Delhi.

Genetically Modified Crops: A Decade of Failure [1994 - 2004], 2004.
Authors: Friends of the Earth / International Secretariat

GMO Patent Nonsense, 2004.
Gregory Conko / BioScience News & Advocate.

Mains basses sur les semences: brevets et autres menaces à la biodiversité agricole du Canada, 2004.
Devlin Kuyek / The Ram’s Horn.

Patents, Trade and Food: How Strong Patent and Plant Variety Protection Affect Food Security, 2004.
Author: Jonathan Hepburn / Quaker International Affairs Programme, Ottawa and Quaker United Nations Office, Geneva

Public-Private Partnerships in Agricultural Research: An Analysis of Challenges Facing Industry and the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research, 2004.
Authors: David J. Spielman and Klaus von Grebmer / EPTD Discussion Paper No. 113, International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington DC.

Rewarding Innovation in African Agriculture How donors could pay cash prizes for farm improvements, 2004, William Masters, Center on Globalization and Sustainable Development, The Columbia Earth Institute, New York

Stolen Seeds, the privatisation of Canada's agricultural biodiversity, 2004.
Devlin Kuyek / The Ram’s Horn.

Agrobiodiversity and Intellectual Property Rights: Selected Issues under the FAO International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, 2004
Robert Lettington

Food Rights: Trade Related Intellectual Property Issues

Accessing other People's Technology, 2003.
Authors: P.G. Pardey, B.D. Wright, C. Nottenburg / Philip G. Pardey, Bonwoo Kooin (ed), Biotechnology and Genetic Resource Policies, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Brief 4.

American Patent Policy, Biotechnology, and African Agriculture: The Case for Policy Change, 2003.
Authors: Michael R. Taylor and Jerry Cayford / Resources For the Future Report.

Biotech Firms, Biotech Politics: Negotiating GMOs in India, 2003.
Author: Peter Newell / Institute of Development Studies.

Community, Farmers and Breeder's Rights in Africa: Towards A Legal Framework For Sui Generis Legislation, 2003.
Patricia Kameri-Mbote.

Contexts for Regulation: GMOs in Zimbabwe, 2003.
Authors: James Keeley and Ian Scoones / Institute of Development Studies.

Development of IPR Regime in India with Reference to Agricultural Biotechnology, 2003.
Author: T. Ramakrishna / Centre for Intellectual Property Rights.

Domesticating Global Policy on GMOs: Comparing India and China, 2003.
Author: Peter Newell / Institute of Development Studies.

Fair and equitable benefit-sharing within the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture: the view of the Berne Declaration, 2003.
Herold, B. / Syngenta, Symposium on Food Security and Biodiversity, Basel, 16 October 2003, Sharing the Benefit of Plant Genetic Resources.

Farmer-Owned Brands?, 2003.
Authors: Dermot J. Hayes, Sergio H. Lence, and Andrea Stoppa / Briefing Paper, Center for Agricultural and Rural Development, Iowa State University, N°02-BP 39.

Farmers' Privilege under Attack, 2003.

Food Security and Intellectual Property Rights in Developing Countries, 2003.
Dr. Philippe Cullet / published by the Interdisciplinary Biosafety Network (RIBIos).

Geographical Indications in Indian Context: A Case Study of Darjeeling Tea, 2003.
Niranjan Rao / Indian Council for Research on International Econimic Relations.

Globalisation and the International Governance of Modern Biotechnology: the Implications for Food Security in Kenya, 2003.
Authors: Odame, H.; Kameri-Mbote, P.; Wafula, D. / International Environmental Law Research Centre (IELRC), Working Paper N°2003-2.

GM crops – going against the grain, summary, 2003.
Liz Orton / ActionAid.

Impact of intellectual property rights on food and agricultural markets, 2003.
Geoff Tansey / WFD –03 – Basel, Syngenta Foundation.

Implications of TRIPs For Food Security in the Majority World, 2003.
Gerard Downes / Prepared for Comhlámh Action Network.

India's Plant Variety and Farmers' Rights Legislation: Potential Impact on Stakeholder Access to Genetic Resources, 2003.
Anitha Ramanna / Environment and Production Technology Division Discussion Paper, N°96.

Infringement on Intellectual Property Rights: Developing Countries, Agricultural Biotechnology, and the TRIPS Agreement, 2003.
K. Giannakas / Philip G. Pardey, Bonwoo Kooin (ed), Biotechnology and Genetic Resource Policies, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Brief 5.

Intellectual Property and Developing Countries: Freedom to operate in Agricultural Biotechnology, 2003.
Authors: P.G. Pardey, B.D. Wright, C. Nottenburg, E. Binenbaum, P. Zambrano / Philip G. Pardey, Bonwoo Kooin (ed), Biotechnology and Genetic Resource Policies, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Brief 3.

Intellectual Property Rights And Concentration In Agricultural Biotechnology, 2003.
William Lesser / AgBioForum 1(2).

Intellectual Property Rights, Biotechnology and Food Security, 2003.
Authors: Farhana Yamin / Institute of Development Countries.

IPRs and the Industrial Structure of the North American Seed Industry
, 2003.
Peter W.B. Phillips / IPRs in Agriculture: Implications for Seed Producers and Users, A conference sponsored by Farm Foundation.

La Reciente Propuesta Costarricense de Sistema Sui Generis para la Proteccion de los Derechos del Fitomejorador a la Luz de la OMC y las Negociaciones del CAFTA, 2003.
Jorge Cabrera Medaglia / Borrador para Discusion, Diciembre del 2003.

Plant Variety Protection and Farmers' Rights in India - Towards a Broader Understanding, 2003.
Authors: Philippe Cullet and Radhika Kolluru / Delhi Law Review 2003.

Position of the International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV) Concerning Decision VI/5 of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), 2003.
communicated to the Secretariat of the CBD / as adopted by the Council on April 11, 2003.

The Economics of Generating and Maintaining Plant Variety Rights in China, 2003.
Authors: Bonwoo Koo, Philip G. Pardey, Keming Qian, and Yi Zhang / EPTD Discussion Paper, International Food Policy Research Institute, University of Minnesota and Institute of Agricultural Economics, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science
(CAAS), N°100.

The Search for the Holy Grail? Maximizing Social Welfare under Canadian Biotechnology Patent Policy, 2003.
Authors: DA Dierker & PWB Phillips, University of Saskatchewan, Candada / IP Strategy Today, bioDevelopments International Institute Inc., Ithaca, NY in collaboration with the Strategic World Initiative For Technology Transfer (SWIFTT), N°6.

The Status of Public and Proprietary Germplasm and Information: An Assessment of Recent Developments at FAO, 2003.
Cary Fowler / IP Strategy Today, bioDevelopments-International Institute Inc., Ithaca, NY in collaboration with the Strategic World Initiative For Technology Transfer (SWIFTT), N°7.

The TRIPS Agreement: Patenting of Genetic Heritage and Food Security, 2003.
Service Centre for Development Cooperation, Helsinki.

UPOV - Faulty Agreement and Coercive Practices, 2003.
SAWTEE - South Asia Watch on Trade, Economics & Environment, Policy Brief No. 5.

Food Secuirty and Intellectual Property Rights in Developing Countries
Dr. Philippe Cullet

Access to Genetic Resources, Gene-based Inventions and Agriculture, 2002.
D. Rangnekar / Study Paper 3a, UK Commission on Intellectual Property Rights.

Access to Genetic Resources, Gene-based Inventions and Agriculture (supporting documents), 2002.
M. Blakeney / Study Paper 3b, UK Commission on Intellectual Property Rights.

Agricultural biotechnology: technology policy brief, 2002.
Authors: J. Chataway, J. Tait, D. Wield, A. Arundel, R. Raina, N. Clark, G. Essegbey, V. Pelaez / Technology Policy Briefs, United Nations University Institute for New technologies (UNU/INTECH), Vol.1, Issue 2.

Benefits and Shortscomings of Intellectual Property Rights for Small Scale Farmers in Developing Countries , 2002.
R.V. Mariano / International Symposium organized by Infoagrar: Protect Knowledge to Feed the World? Application of intellectual property rights in international agriculture today and tomorrow, Muri-bei-Bern, Switzerland, 26 September 2002.

Biodiversity online, 2002.
Authors: A. Seiler, G. Dutfield, J.C. Medaglia, A. Lorch, N. Louwaars, W. Brandenburg, L. Gilissen, G. Kleter, J. Wagenaar, C.P. Medina, D. Eaton, F. Van Tongeren, B. Visser, I. Van der Meer, G. Muttitt and The Action Group on Erosion, Technology and Concentration / Biotechnology and Development Monitor, N°49.

Bio-piraterie en Afrique, 2002.
Genetic Resources Action International (GRAIN).

Derechos de Propiedad Intelectual sobre Variedades Vegetales: una Vision de Conjunto con Opciones para los Gobiernos Nacionales, 2002.
L. R. Helfer / Estudio Legislativo de la FAO en Linea (FAO Legal Papers Online), N°31.

Economic and Social Issues in Agricultural Biotechnology, 2002.
Editors: R. E. Evenson, V. Santaniello, D. Zilberman / CABI Publishing.

Emerging Plant Variety Legislations and Their Implications for Developing Countries: Experiences from India and Africa, 2002.
Harbir Singh / Paper presented in the National Conference on TRIPS - Next Agenda for Developing Countries, Shyamprasad Institute for Social Service, Hyderabad, 11- 12 October 2002.

Equitable Protection for Intellectual Property in Africa, 2002.
Africa-Europe Faith and Justice Network.

Food security, Biotechnology and Intellectual Property: Unpacking some issues around TRIPS, 2002.
G. Tansey / Discussion Paper 4, Quaker United Nations Office.

Genetically modified crops in Africa: implications for small farmers, 2002.
D. Kuyek. / Genetic Resources Action International (GRAIN).

Genetically modified crops in Africa: promises, problems and threats, 2002.
Authors: M. Mongelard, K. Warnock / Special Background Briefing, Panos Institute / Medianet.

Genetic Pollution: Starlink Corn Invades Mexico, 2002.
Author: C. Ruiz-Marrero / Special to CorpWatch, CorpWatch, March 02.

How Can Intellectual Property Rights Contribute To The Food Security Of An Increasingly Globalized World While Meeting The Demands Of Farmers And Breeders?, 2002.
Author: A. Krattinger / Protect Knowledge to feed the World? The application of intellectual property rights in international agriculture today and tomorrow, InfoAgrar, Muri-bei-Bern, Switzerland, 26 September 2002.

Intellectual Property Rights, Food and Biodiversity, 2002.
Author: G. Tansey / Food for Thought, Harvard International Review, Spring 2002.

Intellectual Property Rights in Plant Varieties: An Overview with Options for National Governments, 2002.
Author: L.R. Helfer / FAO Legal Papers Online, N°31.

ISF View on Intellectual Property, 2002.
Author: International Seed Federation.

LAccord de Bangui r vis et lannexe X relative , 2002.
Author: Genetic Resources Action International (GRAIN).

La bio tica indica que nadie puede apropiarse de las formas de vida, 2002.
Author: Silvia Rodríguez.

La guerre des deux brevets, 2002.

Les DPI dans lagriculture en Afrique, 2002.
Author: Genetic Resources Action International (GRAIN).

Manufacturing drugs and chemicals in crops: Biopharming Poses New Threats to Consumers, Farmers, Food Companies and the Environment , 2002.
F.Bill / Genetically Engineered Food Alert.

Marges de manoeuvre?, 2002.
SOLAGRAL / Dossier pédagogique: Biodiversité, Savoirs protégés, savoirs partagés, 6 Fiches pour comprendre, anticiper, débattre, Fiche 6.

Modern biotechnology and developing-world agriculture, 2002.
D. Glover / Environment Team, IDS Sussex.

Option 2: le sui generis, 2002.
Author: SOLAGRAL / Dossier pédagogique: Biodiversité, Savoirs protégés, savoirs partagés, 6 Fiches pour comprendre, anticiper, débattre, Fiche 5.

Option 2: le sui generis. Les options des agriculteurs, 2002.
Author: SOLAGRAL / Dossier pédagogique: Biodiversité, Savoirs protégés, savoirs partagés, 6 Fiches pour comprendre, anticiper, débattre, Fiche 5a.

Option 2: le sui generis. Les différents droits internationaux de propriété du vivant, 2002.
Author: SOLAGRAL / Dossier pédagogique: Biodiversité, Savoirs protégés, savoirs partagés, 6 Fiches pour comprendre, anticiper, débattre, Fiche 5b.

Option 2: le sui generis. La planète UPOV, 2002.
Author: SOLAGRAL / Dossier pédagogique: Biodiversité, Savoirs protégés, savoirs partagés, 6 Fiches pour comprendre, anticiper, débattre, Fiche 5c.

Promoting participation for negotiating food and biodiversity in the post-Doha TRIPS work programme, 2002.
Quaker Office at the United Nations (QUNO), Geneva / Report on a seminar, Jongny-sur-Vevey, Switzerland, 17 and 18 May 2002.

Public agricultural research: the impact of IPRs on biotechnology in developing countries, Expert Workshop, Rome, 24-27 June 2002, Report, 2002.
Author: FAO.

PVP in the South: caving in to UPOV, 2002.
Authors: Genetic Resources Action International (GRAIN).

Sustaining agricultural biodiversity and the integrity and free flow of genetic resources for food for agriculture, 2002.
Authors: ITDG, GRAIN, ETC Group.

Sui Generis Systems for Plant Variety Protection. Options under TRIPS, 2002.
Biswajit Dhar / Disussion Paper, Quaker United Nations Office (QUNO), Geneva.

TRIPS with everything? Intellectual property and the farming world, 2002.
Author: A Food Ethics Council Report.

Why we oppose UPOV and why it is urgent that developing countries enact their own plant variety protection laws, 2002.
Authors: ActionAid, Consumers International and Gene Campaign India / MediaBrief, 17 October 2002.

WTO Agreements and Farmers Rights in Mountain Areas in Pakistan, 2002.
Author: Shafqat Munir / Policy Brief, South Asia Watch on Trade, Economics & Environment (SAWTEE), N°1.

Accessing Modern Science: Policy and Institutional Options for Agricultural Biotechnology in Developing Countries, 2001.
Authors: Derek Byerlee, Ken Fischer / IP Strategy Today, bioDevelopments International Institute Inc., Ithaca, NY in collaboration with the Strategic World Initiative For Technology Transfer (SWIFTT), N°1.

African small-holder farmers at risk, 2001.
Africa Faith and Justice Network (AFJN).

An Industry-Academia-International Development Roundtable Workshop: Intellectual Property Clearinghouse Mechanism for Agriculture. Summary of Proceedings, 2001.
G. Graff, A. Bennett, B. Wright, D. Zilberman.

Are Intellectual Property Rights Stifling Agricultural Biotechnology In Developing Countries?, 2001
Authors: P. Pardey, B. Wright, C. Nottenburg / IFPRI 2000-2001 annual report.

A TRIPS agenda for development: Meeting food, health and biodiversity needs, 2001.
Jonathan Hepburn / Report on the Conference organised by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Quaker United Nations Office, Geneva, 12-13 October 2001, The Hague.

Biotechnology, the Gene Revolution, and Proprietary Technology in Agriculture: A Strategic Note for the World Bank, 2001.
Authors: J.H. Dodds, R. Ortiz, J.H. Crouch, V. Mahalasksmi & K.K. Sharma / IP Strategy Today, bioDevelopments International Institute Inc., Ithaca, NY in collaboration with the Strategic World Initiative For Technology Transfer (SWIFTT), N°2.

Declaracin Andina contra el patentamiento del nua, 2001
Authors: COICC, TUEP, CONAIE, etc.

El Compromiso Internacional sobre Recursos Fitogen ticos: lleg la hora de fijarle l mites a los DPI, 2001
Genetic Resources Action International (GRAIN).

El robo de la diversidad biolgica: Patente sobre el ma z de la empresa DuPont, 2001
Authors: Greenpeace y Misereor.

Farmers’ Rights and Intellectual Property Rights - Reconciling Conflicting Concepts, 2001.
Authors: D. Alker, F. Heidhues.

GM Crops, 2001.
Nuffield Council on Bioethics.

Governing Genetic Resources: Profit for a Few or Food for All, Challenges for the World Food Summit 2001, 2001.
P. Mulvany, Intermediate Technology Development Group (ITDG).

Grains of delusion: golden rice seen from the ground, 2001.

India’s Plant Variety Protection and Farmers’ Rights Act, 2001.
Author: S. Sahai / BRIDGES, ICTSD, October 2001, 5(8).

India’s Policy on IPRs and Agriculture: Relevance of FAO’s new International Treaty, 2001.
Author: A. Ramanna / Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 36, N°. 51, December 22.

Intellectual Property Rights: Ultimate Control of Agricultural R&D; in Asia, 2001.
Author: K. Devlin.

La OMC y el comercio mundial: algunos pensamientos acerca de la seguridad alimentaria en pa ses en v a de desarrollo, 2001.
Authors: Carsta Neuenroth y Martin Petry / Boletín Alerta, Nº 18, ILSA.

Los Recursos Gen ticos son patrimonio de la humanidad: No a los Derechos de la Propiedad Intelectual sobre la vida, 2001.
Author: Vía Campesina / Carta Pública, Tegucigalpa, 24-4-2001.

The IU: Time to Draw the Line on IPRs, 2001.
Author: GRAIN Seedling.

New options for African countries regarding protection for new varieties of plants, 2001.
Author: K. Tshimanga / The Journal of World Intellectual Property, Werner Publishing Company, Vol. 4, N°3, pp. 349-371.

Non-food crops, 2001.
Authors: M. Rautner, B. Dinham, D. Sharma, M.M. Roca de Doyle, V. Lehmann, A. Lorch, I. Kruszewska, J. Bijman, P. Schmeiser / Biotechnology and Development Monitor, N°44-45.

Perspectives, 2001.
Authors: M. Philipson, P.N. Mwangi, A. Ely, B. Visser, I. van der Meer, N. Louwaars, J. Beekwilder, D. Eato, M. Minderhoud-Jones, Y. Ismael, R. Bennett, S. Morse, B. Choudhary, L. Asveld, A. Lorch, H. Withanage / Biotechnology and Development Monitor, N°48.

Plant Variety Protection in Africa: Towards Compliance with the TRIPS Agreement, 2001.
Author: P. Cullet / Journal of African Law, Vol. 45, N°1, p. 97.

Seeding Solutions: Volume 2 - Options for National Laws Governing Access To and Control Over Genetic Resources, 2001.
The Crucible Group II / International Development Research Centre (IDRC).

Statement of the SAAG-SANFEC Workshop on "Comparison of National Legislation on Plant Breeders' Rights & Alternatives to UPOV", Islamabad, 29-30 March 2001, 2001.
Authors: The members of SAAG and SANFEC.

Sustaining Agricultural Biodiversity and the free flow of Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, 2001.
Compiled by Patrick Mulvany / NGO/CSO FORUM - World Food Summit/five years later, Access to Genetic Resources Paper (version 4).

Technical Issues on Protecting Plant Varieties by Effective Sui Generis Systems, 2001.
F. Mangeni / South Centre, Centre for International Environmental Law (CIEL).

The impact of intellectual property rights (IPRs) on food and agriculture in developing countries, 2001.
Author: FAO / Background Document to Conference 6 of the FAO Biotechnology Forum (30 March - 13 May 2001).

Towards an Intellectual Property Clearinghouse for Agricultural Biotechnology, An Issues Paper, 2001.
Authors: G. Graff, D. Zilberman, University of California, Berkeley, USA / IP Strategy Today, bioDevelopments International Institute Inc., Ithaca, NY in collaboration with the Strategic World Initiative For Technology Transfer (SWIFTT), N°3.

Towards an Intellectual Property Clearinghouse for Agricultural Biotechnology, Summary of an Industry, Academia, and International Development Round Table, 2001.
Authors: G Graff, A Bennett & B Wright & D Zilberman, University of California, USA / IP Strategy Today, bioDevelopments International Institute Inc., Ithaca, NY in collaboration with the Strategic World Initiative For Technology Transfer (SWIFTT), N°3.

Biopatenting and the Threat to Food Security - A Christian and Development Perspective, 2000.
Authors: B. Van Dillen, M. Leen. (ed.) / CIDSE International Cooperation for Development and Solidarity, Brussels.

Compromiso internacional sobre recursos fitogen ticos: La ltima oportunidad de lograr un r gimen de acceso abierto?, 2000.
Genetic Resources Action International (GRAIN).

De patentes y piratas: El ABC del Patentamiento de la Vida, 2000.
Genetic Resources Action International (GRAIN).

El ABC del Patentamiento de la Vida, 2000.
Genetic Resources Action International (GRAIN).

El derrame de la nueva pol tica de patentes del Centro Internacional de Mejoramiento de Maíz y Trigo (CIMMYT), 2000.
Fundación Internacional para el Progreso Rural (RAFI).

Farmers and seed, 2000.
Authors: G. Manicad, S. McGuire, S. Vellema, N. Louwaars, K. Dev Joshi, C. Almekinders, V. Lehmann, C. Brenner, C.S. Basilio / Biotechnology and Development Monitor, N°42, June 2000.

Hacia una Propuesta Alternativa de Ley de Proteccion de las Variedades Vegetales, 2000.
Silvia Rodríguez Cervantes / Seminario Nacional Biodiversidad y Obtenciones Vegetales, Ministerio de Comercio Exterior en colaboración con la Unión para la Protección de Obtenciones Vegetales (UPOV) y la Organización Mundial de la Propiedad Intelectual (OMPI), San José, Costa Rica, 13 de marzo del 2000.

In search of higher ground: the intellectual property challenge to public agricultural research and human rights and 28 alternative initiatives, 2000.
Rural Advancement Foundation International (RAFI).

Intellectual Property Protection and Agricultural Biotechnology: A Multidisciplinary Perspective, 2000.
Author: J. Kesan / University of Illinois Law & Economics Research Paper, N°00-22.

Intellectual Property Rights and Agriculture: An Analysis of the Economic Impact of Plant Breeders' Rights, 2000.
Author: D. Rangnekar / Actionaid.

La biotecnología saquea los arrozales, 2000.
Author: Genetic Resources Action International (GRAIN).

La UPOV en pie de guerra por el control de los cultivos, 2000.
Author: Genetic Resources Action International (GRAIN).

Meanings of sustainable agriculture: some issues for the South, 2000.
S.L. Barraclough / South Centre.

Options for the Implementation of Farmers's Rights at the National Level, 2000.
C. Correa / South Centre.

Plant Breeding, Biodiversity Loss, and Intellectual Property Rights, 2000.
D. Rangnekar.

Plant Variety Protection for Rice in Developing Countries: Impacts on Research and Development, 2000.
Authors: International Rice Research Institute.

Privatisation des moyens de survie : La commercialisation de la biodiversité de l’Afrique, 2000.
Rachel Wynberg / Commerce Mondial et Biodiversité en Conflit, Biowatch, Fondation Gaia et GRAIN, N°5.

Propriété Intellectuelle, semences et sécurité alimentaire, Note technique, 2000.
Authors: Réseau Européen de Sécurité Alimentaire (RESAL), SOLAGRAL.

Public plant breeding in an era of privatisation, 2000.
R. Tripp, D. Byerlee / Natural Resource Perspectives, Overseas Development Institute, N° 57.

Seeding Solutions: Volume 1 - Policy Options for Genetic Resources, 2000.
The Crucible II Group / International Development Research Centre (IDRC).

Seed wars: biotechnology, intellectual property, and the quest for high yield seeds, 2000.
L.E. Ewens / Boston College International and Comparative Law Review, Vol. 23, N°2, pp. 285-310.

Technical Issues on Protecting Plant Varieties by Effective Sui Generis Systems, 2000.
F. Mangeni / South Centre - Centre for International Environmental Law (CIEL).

The Effects of the U.S. Plant Variety Protection Act on Wheat Genetic Improvement, 2000.
Authors: J.M. Alston, R. J. Venner / EPDT Discussion Paper, N°62, International Food Policy Research Institute.
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