Trade Agreements: Regional and Bilateral Trade Agreements2006
2005 2004
2003 2002 2001
Analysis of the EC Non-Paper on the Objectives and Possible Elements
of an IP Section in the EC-Pacific EPA
Author: Sisule Musungu
Intellectual Property Provisions in European Union Trade Agreements:
Implications for Developing Countries (français)
Author: Maximiliano Santa Cruz S.
a Positive Agenda on Enforcement Provisions of EPAs, May 2007
Author: Sisule F. Musungu
Developing a Positive Agenda on Copyright Issues for the ECOWAS
for EPA Negotiations, May 2007
Author: Marisella Ouma
for the ECOWAS in Respect to Access to Medicine and Genetic Resources
under the EPA Context, May 2007
Author: Falou Samb
Knowledge and Genetic Resources in Economic Partnership Agreements:
Elements of a Positive Agenda for ECOWAS Countries, May 2007
Author: Dalindyebo Shabalala
FTA paves way for Biopiracy
Source:Latin America Press
rhetoric and development potential of FTAs
Author: Margaret Chon
and FTAs: Significant Issues in Current Negotiations and their Relation
to US IP Laws
Author: M. Fabiana Jorge
Article 7 and 8, FTAs and Trademarks
Denis Borges Barbosa
Negotiating IP in FTAs: Preserving & Enhancing Flexibilities
Author: Calvin Manduna
developing country interests in FTAs: biodiversity
Author: Sanya Reid Smith
Property and Bilateral Trade Agreements
Author: Maria Julia Oliva
impact of free trade agreements on intellectual property standards
in a post-TRIPS world
Rafael Pastor
intelectual y desarrollo sostenible en las negociaciones de TLC
recientes de Estados Unidos
Luis Guillermo Restrepo Vélez
Property, Free Trade Agreements and sustainable Development
Author: Hanan Sboul
Treatment of geographical indications in recent regional and bilateral
free trade agreements, 2006
Authors: David Vivas Eugui and Christophe Spenneman
TRIPS: The Intellectual Property Provisions of Recent US Free Trade
Agreements, 2006
Carsten Fink
Lessons Learnt from the US- Singapore Free Trade Agreement
Ms Chang Li Lin
Clawing back policy space and flexibilities after an
Author: Andrés Moncayo von Hase
Latina y la nueva arquitectura internacional de la propiedad intelectual:
de los ADPIC-TRIPS a los nuevos tratados de libre comercio,
Pedro Roffe
Protección de productos farmacéuticos y agroquímicos
('productos regulados') en DR-CAFTA, 2006
Carlos M. Correa
Property Provisions of Bilateral and Regional Trade Agreements in
light of US Federal Law
Author: By Frederick M. Abbott
Tripping up TRIPs debates:IP and Health in Bilateral Agreements
Jean-Frédéric Morin
Trading away Traditional Knowledge, March 2006
GRAIN in collaboration with Dr Silvia Rodríguez Cervantes
Health at Risk, April 2006
Oxfam Briefing Paper
Current Developments
and Trends in the Field of Intellectual Property: Implications for
Arab Countries, June 2005
Author: Ahmed ABDEL LATIF, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Egypt
Road from TRIPS-Minus, to TRIPS, to TRIPS-Plus Implications of IPRs
for the Arab World, January 2005
Mohammed EL-SAID
Property in Investment Agreements: The TRIPS-plus Implications for
Developing Countries, May 2005
South Centre Analytical Note
Access To Medicines At Risk Across The Globe - What To Watch Out
Negotiations toward a Free Trade Area: US Demands for greater IPR
Jakkrit Kuanpoth
Free Trade Agreements: An Outline of Elements, Nature and Development
Martin Khor
Developments and Trends in the Field of Intellectual Property Rights:
Harmonisation through Free Trade Agreements
Jakkrit KUANPOTH, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University.
and Intellectual Property Rights: Thoughts on Ensuring Access to
Medicines in 2005 and Beyond
Karin TIMMERMANS, World Health Organization Indonesia.
Trade Negotiations with the United States on Copyright and Related
Rights, 21/22 July 2004
Manon Ress
Tratado de Libre Comercio entre Chile y Estados Unidos, Propiedad
Author: Maximiliano Santa Cruz, Direccion General de Relaciones
Economicas Internacionales Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores
Biodiversidad y los Derechos de Propiedad Intelectual: Elementos
para una Agenda de Negociacion Regional
Author: Manuel Ruiz, Sociedad Peruana de Derecho Ambiental
generación de acuerdos bilaterales comerciales: el caso del
capítulo de PI del CAFTA
David Vivas- Eugui, ICTSD
Propiedad Intelectual en la Negociacion del ALCA y la Biregional
Vanesa Lowenstein, Secretaría de Industria, Ministerio de
la Producción, Argentina.
The cycle of action and
reaction: Latest developments and trends in IP and health
Author: Frederick M. ABBOTT, Florida State University,
October 2004.
Test Data for Pharmaceutical and Agrochemical Products under Free
Trade Agreements, 2004.
Author: Carlos M. Correa, University of Buenos Aires
Bilateral Agreements and a TRIPS-Plus World: The Chile-USA Free
Trade Agreement, 2004.
Author: Pedro Roffe ICTSD / Quaker United Nations Office
(QUNO), Geneva, Quaker International Affairs Programme (QIAP), Ottawa.
Bilateral investment agreements: Agents of new global standards
for the protection of intellectual property rights? 2004.
Carlos M Correa
Why We Say
No to CAFTA, March 2004
Analysis of the Official Text
Doha Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health and the
contradictory Trend in Bilateral and Regional Free Trade Agreements,
April 2004
Federick M. Abbott
access to medicines: Comparison of five US FTAs, June 2004
Technical Note
FTA and the PBS - A submission to the Senate Select Committee on
the US-Australia Free Trade Agreement, May 2004.
Peter Drahos, Thomas Faunce, Martyn Goddard and David
The Doha Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health and
the Contradictory Trend in Bilateral and Regional Free Trade Agreements,
Author: Frederick Abbott / Quaker United Nations Office.
Recent International Developments in the Area of Intellectual Property
Carlos CORREA, Director, Maestría en
Política y Gestión de la Ciencia y la Tecnología
Centro de Estudios Avanzados de la Universidad de Buenos Aires.
Utilizing TRIPS Flexibilities for Public Health Protection Through
South-South Regional Frameworks, 2004.
Authors: Sisule F. Musungu, Susan Villanueva, Roxana Blasetti
/ South Centre.
Expanding Intellectual Property's Empire: the Role of FTAs,
Peter Drahos / Research School of Social Sciences,
Australia National University, Canberra.
Free Trade With Central America: Summary of the U.S.-Central America
Free Trade Agreement, 2003.
Office of the United States Trade Representative
/ Trade Facts, December 17, 2003.
A Threat to Freedom and Free Trade, 2003.
Robin D. Gross, Esq. / IP Justice White Paper on
the Draft Intellectual Property Rights and the Free Trade Area of
the Americas (FTAA) Treaty.
Intellectual Property in the FTAA: Little Opportunity and Much Risk,
Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL).
Les Accords Bilatéraux et Régionaux de Propriété
Intellectuelle dans la Francophonie, 2003.
Jean-Frédéric Morin / Unisféra
Centre International.
The bilateral IP Agreements, 2003.
Jean-Frédéric Morin / "Moving
forward from Cancún, The Global Governance of Trade, Environment
and Sustainable Development", Conference organised by Ecologic
Institute for International and European Environmental Policy.
The FTAA Chapter on Intellectual Property Rights: A North/South
Struggle over Genetic Material, 2003.
Jean-Frédéric Morin / Unisféra
International Centre.
FTAA, access to HIV/AIDS treatment, and human rights, 2002.
Human Rights Watch / A Human Rights Watch Briefing
Paper, 29 October 2002. |