1. Kiyoshi Adachi, UNCTAD
2. Abro Ahmed, Mission of Djibouti
3. Thay Bunton, Mission of Cambodia
4. Furaha Charles, Mission of Rwanda
5. Fleur Claessans, ICTSD
6. Andalib Elias, Mission of Bangaldesh
7. Mary Kachale, ACWL and Malawi Ministry of Justice
8. Roger Kampf, WTO
9. Narae Lee, UNCTAD
10. Margaret Lee, CIEL
11. Xuan Li, South Centre
12. Tom Pengelly, Saana Consulting
13. Pedro Roffe, ICTSD
14. Sheila Sabune, Mission of Uganda
15. Christoph Spennemann, UNCTAD
16. Nico Tyabji, ICTSD
17. Gina Vea, ICTSD
18. David Vivas, ICTSD
19. Martin Watson, QUNO