

Intellectual Property Rights: Challenges for Development

Organized by ICTSD and UNAIDS at UNCTAD XI, with the generous support of DFID

17th June 2004, Thursday 13h00 - 18h00

Room G, Anhembi Convention Centre (UNCTAD XI Conference Site)

Agenda | Participants | Final Report

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13h00 - 13h10: Introduction

Ricardo Meléndez-Ortiz (ICTSD) and
Christina D'Almeida, National AIDS Programme, (Ministry of Health, Brazil)

13h10 - 14h55: Health and IP- Finding Solutions (with UNAIDS)

Chair: Pedro Roffe, ICTSD
Opening Remarks (Humberto Costa, Minister of Health, Brazil and Antonio Patriota, Head of Cabinet for the Brazilian Minister of Foreign Affairs)
Making TRIPS and Doha work for equitable access to HIV medicines (Julian Fleet, UNAIDS)
Finding ways to implement Doha Declaration on TRIPS and Public Heath (James Love, CP Tech)
Health crises management: The Brazilian Case (Jorge Bermudez, FIOCRUZ)

15h00 - 16h30: The New Regional, Bilateral and the Multilateral Context

Chair: Rashid Kaukab, South Centre
FTAA and a new TRIPS plus world (David Vivas-Eugui, ICTSD)
TRIPS-Plus lessons from the multilateral context (Sisule Musungu, South Centre)
Lessons form CAFTA (Frederico Alberto Cuello-Camilo, University of Santo Domingo)

16h40 - 18h00: Technology Transfer & Innovation - IPRs & Investment

Chair: Assad Omer, Ambassador, Afghanistan
Technology and Trade Liberalisation (Carlos Primo Braga, The World Bank)
Promoting Technology Transfer & Innovation - IPRs & Investment (Pedro Roffe, ICTSD)



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