

Developing a Methodology to Assess the Impact of TRIPS-Plus Provisions Affecting Drug Prices

WHO, World Bank Institute and ICTSD Meeting
Geneva, Switzerland, 31 July-1 August 2006

Description |Agenda | Participants | Documents

Place: International Environmental House II, Geneva
Monday- Tuesday, from 8:30- 18:30


31 August

9.00-9.30 Welcoming Remarks by organizers and objectives of the workshop:
Pedro Roffe, ICTSD; Germán Velásquez, WHO; Carsten Fink, WBI

Session 1

Chair: Pedro Roffe
Rapporteur: Carsten Fink

This session is aimed at setting the context for the expected output of the workshop. Presentations will focus on reviewing evolution of the TRIPS-plus standards, the available data and approaches in measuring their impact on the pharmaceutical markets.

9.30-10.00 Mapping changes in IP laws as they relate to pharmaceutical products: Carlos Correa, University of Buenos Aires

Comments by Dean Baker

10.00-10.45 Modeling the effects of IPRs on pharmaceutical markets: A review of approaches and requirements: Keith Maskus

Comments by Charles Clift

10.45-11.00 Coffee break

11.00-11.45 Identifying data for price and welfare impact assessment of reduced generic competition
Kirsten Myhr

Comments by Benjamin Coriat

11.45-13.00 Discussion

13.00-14.00 Lunch

14.00-14.45 Session II

Chair: Carsten Fink
Rapporteur: Cecilia Oh

This session will review country experiences in assessing price and welfare impacts of new IP standards in FTAs: methodologies, analysis and obstacles faced, recommendations for future work in this area.

14.45-15.30 The case of Thailand: Chutima Akaleephun and Suwit Wibulpolprasert

15.30-16.00 The case of Peru: Juan Pichihua

16.00-16.45 The Model of Colombia/Soikos, Joan Rovira

16:45-17.00 Comments by Roman Macaya and Hanan Sboul

17.00-18.30 Discussion

1 August

9.00-9.30 Session III

Chair: Charles Clift
Rapporteur: David Vivas-Eugui

Re-cap of previous day's discussions and summary of key points. This session should review the various approaches adopted and make recommendations on a possible common methodology. Discussion/brainstorming on the following issues:

  • What should be the key elements for developing a methodology assessing the impact of TRIPS-plus provisions on public health?
  • What are the data requirements?
  • Which are the challenges in data collection?: suggestions on how to overcome them

9.30-10.30 Comments by Keith Maskus, Joan Rovira and Karin Timmermans

10.30-11.00 Coffee Break

11.00-12.00 Discussion


  • How do we develop a common methodology and training manual?
  • Who should benefit from the methodology?
  • What further elements are needed, such as user guide, software package and additional research?

13.00-14.30 Lunch

14.30-16.00 Session IV

Chair: German Velasquez
Johanna von Braun

Roles and responsibilities
Follow-up activities
Identification of potential pilot projects

16.00-17.30 Conclusions by the Organizers


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