Access to medicines that could cure diseases
such as HIV/AIDS, Malaria, and Tuberculosis is contingent on
a set of parallel trade related policies that are not always
aligned. Some of these include applied tariffs and non-tariff
barriers to drugs, the level of flexibility in intellectual
property rules, competition from generics whether locally produced
or imported, provision of services through any of the GATS 'modes,'
existence of certain regulatory frameworks such as competition,
government procurement, price controls and tax policies. Such
policies can have a strong impact on access to medicines at
the global level, especially in developing countries where resources
are limited.
Trade policy coherence entails the systemic
promotion of policy actions across government agencies in a
manner that is mutually beneficial. Policy coherence in the
field of trade and health remains a fundamental challenge at
the international and national level. It has been identified
as one of the principle objectives under the Millennium Development
Goals for raising international health-related welfare. The
need to address this discrepancy has also been emphasized during
the World Health Assembly of 2006, where Member states put forward
two resolutions that touched upon the relationship between trade
and health. The Member States also requested the Director General
of the World Health Organization
to build the capacity
to understand the implications of international trade and trade
agreements for health; and
to continue collaborating
with the competent international organizations in order to support
policy coherence between trade and health sectors
To help facilitate the creation of an enabling
framework for sustainable access to essential medicines in developing
countries, ICTSD is currently engaged in a project aimed at
enhancing trade-related policy coherence. In this pursuit, it
seeks to engage in applied policy, legal and economic research
and informal multi-stakeholder dialogues at the national level.
With this backdrop, ICTSD organized the consultation
with a view to developing a methodology to assess and review
all trade-related national polices that affect access to medicines
in selected developing countries. The consultation was limited
to a small group of experts. Dr. Kamal SAGGI, a leading expert
from the Department of Economics, Southern Methodist University
of the United States, presented his views on the preparation
of the methodology, which included responding to the following
- To what extent are health concerns taken
into account in the design of trade- related policies?
- Which trade-related policies affect access
to medicines and what is the nature of their impact?
- To what extent does the complementariness
of trade-related policies affect access to medicines?
- How can the current situation be improved
at the national level?