

Technical Cooperation for Intellectual Property Policy in Developing Countries

ICTSD Dialogue on Sustainable Development and Intellectual Property
Geneva, 11-12 July 2005

Description | Programme | Participants | Documents


As developing countries implement international IP commitments and participate in multilateral, regional and bilateral IP negotiations, there has been increasing political attention to the challenges and shortcomings of IP technical assistance and cooperation. Technical assistance is rarely a purely technical matter, as the nature of the provided assistance will have a strong impact on the design and formulation of national IP policies. The dialogue brought together developed and developing country delegates, academics, and NGOs to:
  • Evaluate the current state of play in debates on intellectual property (IP)-related technical cooperation and capacity building at the multilateral, regional and bilateral levels;
  • Take stock of existing suggestions and proposals for ensuring that technical cooperation better enhances the capacities of developing countries to adopt appropriate, coherent and effective positions and policies at all levels;
  • Explore strategic policy actions and concrete next steps for advancing discussions on improving the design and implementation of IP technical assistance;
  • Consider further work, independent research and new initiatives related to technical cooperation.

    The Dialogue was informal and off the record, and focused on discussing and elaborating particular reform proposals. The objective was to elaborate and refine very specific proposals and concrete next steps that could be taken up by ICTSD, partner organisations, governments, IGOs, academics or NGOs.
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