Cooperation for Intellectual Property Policy in Developing Countries
ICTSD Dialogue
on Sustainable Development and Intellectual Property
11-12 July 2005
| Programme
| Participants
| Documents
11th July
09.00-09.15 Café
09.15 Welcoming Remarks
09.30 - 11.00 Overview Presentation and Regional Experiences
Moderator: Pedro ROFFE, ICTSD
Overview Presentation: The Reform of IP Technical Cooperation:
Current debates, challenges and proposals for ways forward Prof.
Michel KOSTECKI, Enterprise Institute of the University of Neuchâtel
Regional experiences with IP technical cooperation - Mr. Manuel
RUIZ, Peruvian Society for Environmental Law (Peru); Ms. Susan
VILLANUEVA, University of the Philippines (Philippines); Mr. Jakkrit
KUANPOTH, University of Wollongong (Thailand).
Questions and Discussion
11.30 Welcome and Overview: A dialogue on solution-oriented reform
11.40 Introductions
11.50 Session 1. The Design of Technical Cooperation
Mr. Pedro ROFFE, ICTSD (Chile), Draft principles and guidelines
for recipients, donors, and providers in the area of IP technical
cooperation (draft prepared by Professor Carlos Correa) (10 mins).
Dr. Jakkrit KUANPOTH, University of Wollongong (Thailand), Guidelines
as a tool for supporting national capacity to assess interests
and needs in IP technical cooperation (10 mins).
Mr. Ahmed ABDELATIF, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Egypt), Matching
technical cooperation with national interests and needs: Programmatic
and budgetary aspects of requests for multilateral assistance
(10 mins).
13.00 Lunch
14.15 Session 1 (continued) Open Discussion
15.30 Break
16.00 Session 2. The Implementation of IP Technical Cooperation
Ms. Carolyn DEERE (Australia), Global Economic Governance Programme,
Oxford University, Draft code of ethics for IP technical cooperation
donors and providers (10 mins)
Discussants (5-10 mins each): Ms. Michelle CHILDS, Consumer Project
on Technology (UK), Applying a code of ethics to IP technical
cooperation: Learning from experience in other sectors
Ms. Vera BAMPO-ADDO, Registrar-General's Department (Ghana), Reflections
on the Ghanaian experience with IP technical cooperation: How
could a Code of Ethics alter implementation in practice?
Open Discussion
18.00 Close of Day One
Tuesday 12th July
08.45 Café
09.15 Briefing on Sessions 1 and 2: David VIVAS and Jakkrit KUANPOTH
09.30 Session 3. The Evaluation of IP Technical Cooperation
Mr. Tom PENGELLY, Saana Consulting, Benchmarks and indicators
for the evaluation of IP technical cooperation (10 mins)
Mr. Carsten FINK, World Bank Research Group, Best practices in
evaluation: Learning from the broader field of international development
cooperation (10 mins)
Ms. Souheir NADDE, Ministry of Economy and Trade, Lebanon, A national
perspective on the benefits and challenges of a greater emphasis
on evaluation (10 mins)
Open Discussion
11.00 Break
11.15 Session 4. Organising IP Technical Cooperation: Coordination
or Competition?
Mr. Michel KOSTECKI, Enterprise Institute of the University of
Neuchâtel, Overview of various proposals for ways to improve
the institutional framework for IP technical cooperation (10 mins)
Discussants (5-8 mins each): Mr. Luis VILLARROEL, Ministry of
Education, Chile, A national perspective on the benefits, challenges
and pitfalls of proposals to reform the organisation of IP technical
Mr. Sisule MUSUNGU, South Centre, Assessing the options: Political
feasibility and practical considerations
Open Discussion
13.00 Working Lunch: Final discussion and next steps
14.30 Close