
Regional Dialogue on the Economic Partnership Agreements, Intellectual Property and Sustainable Development for the ECOWAS Countries

Dialogue organised by ICTSD in partnership with ENDA and QUNO
Saly (Dakar), Senegal, 30-31 May 2007

Description | Agenda | Participants | Documentation


Report of the ECOWAS Regional Dialogue on the EPAs, IP and Sustainable Development (including ENDA letter of recommendations on EPA Priority Areas in Intellectual Property sent to ECOWAS Secretariat)

Le Rapport (ainsi que la lettre de recommendations par ENDA envoyés à la Commission de la CEDEAO)

"Think Pieces" prepared for the dialogue:

Presentations (Powerpoint .ppt format) delivered at the dialogue:

Other recent Issue Papers of note include:

Intellectual Property Provisions in European Union Trade Agreements: Implications for Developing Countries (français)
Issue Paper No. 20, by Maximiliano Santa Cruz S., 2007

The International Copyright System: Limitations, Exceptions and Public Interest Considerations for Developing Countries in the Digital Environment (français)
Issue Paper No. 15, by Ruth Okediji, 2006

A list of documents compiled for the dialogue, including relevant legal texts, can be found here


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