
Regional Dialogue on the Economic Partnership Agreements, Intellectual Property and Sustainable Development for the ECOWAS Countries

Dialogue organised by ICTSD in partnership with ENDA and QUNO
Saly (Dakar), Senegal, 30-31 May 2007

Description | Agenda | Participants | Documentation


1. ASEIN John, Nigerian Copyright Commission/CIPRAD, Nigeria
2. AHMED David Zafar, QUNO, Switzerland/UK
3. BA Amadou Dahira , ENDA Tiers Monde, Senegal
4. BATANGA Maurice , OAPI, Cameroun
5. BOUMEDIANA Mohamed Yacoub, Ministry of Trade and Industry, Mauritania
6. CAMARA Ibrahima, University Cheikh Anta DIOP/Law department, Senegal
7. CISS Bathir, ENDA Tiers Monde, Senegal
8. CLAESSENS Fleur, ICTSD, Switzerland/The Netherlands
9. DEERE Carolyn, ICTSD, Switzerland/Australia
10. DIEYE Chiek Tidiane , ENDA Tiers Monde, Senegal
11. DIOUF El Hadji, ICTSD, Senegal
12. DIONE Awa, ENDA Tiers Monde, Senegal
13. GRANT Catherine, Business Unity South Africa, South Africa
14. KABA Ousmane, National Service of Intellectual Property, Guinea
15. KIIGE Christopher, ARIPO, Zimbabwe
16. LAMATETOU Mnanta Komi, National Institute of Intellectual Property, Togo
17. LEYE Mariama Drame, Ministry of Trade and Industry, Senegal
18. LY Idrissa, Intellectual Property Malian Center, Mali
19. MBAYE Bibiane, ENDA Tiers Monde, Senegal
20. MUSUNGU Sisule F, University of Bern, Switzerland/Kenya
21. OUMA Marisella, Kenya Copyright Board, Kenya
22. SALL Adji Diop, Ministry of Trade/Intellectual Property Services, Senegal
23. SAMB Falou, Independent consultant , Switzerland/Senegal
24. SHABALAL Dalindyebo, CIEL, South Africa
25. SOUN'GOUNA Kouadio Theodore, OIPI, Ivory Coast
26. SY Aminata, Ministry of Trade and Industry, Senegal
27. VIVAS EUGUI David, ICTSD, Switzerland/Venezuela


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